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2014/4/22 17:00:33 | 浏览:32414 | 评论:65

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net

主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2014年 第15期 創刊第646期 4/9-4/22/2014
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2014 No.15)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4395]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4910]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5197]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4401]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4408]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4720]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4992]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5345]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4534]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5565]
:学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结 :摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview
class=blackG>C. Wong说:>留言于2014-05-07 08:03:15(第59条)
Please support us to pass the Caifornia Senate SJR 23 Apology of 1843 Chinese Exclusion Act, currently on the floor of the CA Senate.
Congress repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1943 and both Chambers (Congress) have recently passed a resolution of Regrete not Apology for the 1943 Exclusion Act and other discriminatory laws. We need to go back to US Congress for an Apology long past due to the Chinese Americans.

Dr. Sophie C. Wong,
Member, Congressional Apology to Chinese Americans Committee

FYI!! Great News!!
Hong Yeng Chang was an Ivy League graduate thought to be the first Chinese-born, United States-trained lawyer when the California Supreme Court denied his application to practice law in a 1890 decision. Now, students at a Northern California law school hope to persuade the current court to reverse the 124-year-old decision that is still studied in law schools.

《Law students push to license dead Chinese attorney》
Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty - CSUF说:留言于2014-05-07 01:51:42(第58条)
Dear colleagues and friends:
On behalf of CSU Fullerton, Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association (AAPIFSA), I would like to invite you to participate in the President’s Reception to be held on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 from 5pm until 7:30 pm in the Fullerton Marriott – Grand Ballroom. Reception starts at 5:00 pm. The event program starts at 5:45 pm. You will be among the first to see the award winning documentary film, Happy Hands and ask questions of Cal State Fullerton alumnus, Tam Nguyen, president of Advance Beauty College and Honey Lauren, the documentary film maker. President García will be introducing today’s major guests and AAPIFSA will recognize scholarship recipients and community leaders. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best regards,

David Chen, Ph.D.
President of AAPIFSA
California State University Fullerton
PAROS浦东留学生联合会说:留言于2014-05-07 01:08:57(第57条)
NAAAP Boston说:留言于2014-05-06 09:21:17(第56条)
亞美專業人士協會波士頓分會2014獎學金晚宴,將於12日(周一)下午6時在東北大學學生中心(Curry Student Center Ballroom of Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston)舉行。活動邀請到麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz)和波士頓不分區市議員吳弭擔任主題演講嘉賓。門票28元。查詢或購票可上網www.eventbrite.com/e/2014-naaap-boston-future-leader-award-scholarship-gala-tickets-11324611217。
《基础教育研究》说:留言于2014-05-05 12:48:54(第55条)
《基础教育研究》 以广大中小学校长、教师、各级教育行政管理人员、教科研人员为主要读者对象和作者队伍。u以研究基础教育的理论和实践问题、为基础教育改革和发展服务为宗旨,既探讨理论,反映最新政策导向、改革实验动态,又侧重教学指导与应用, 强调热点透视, 突出应用性、可操作性。主要栏目有:教育论坛、德育纵横、治校方略、班主任之家、名师论教、教研园地、教学探新、幼教天地、心理健康教育、中高考研究、东盟教育之窗、教育随笔等。
《基础教育研究》 - 主要栏目: 教育论坛、德育纵横、课程改革、教学探新、学校管理、热点关注、案例评析、教研园地、幼教天地、心理辅导、教苑杂感等。
《基础教育研究》 - 重点选题; 热点问题探讨,包括素质教育的落实、教育公平、均衡化发展等;学校管理研究,包括管理观念的更新(校长管理工作的突出经验)、薄弱学校转化等;教学改革,包括普通高中课程改革、学科教育的思想与方法、学科教育经验;教师发展:包括以校为本的教学研究促进教师的终身学习、教师成长为专家型教师的实践探讨。l

  《基础教育研究》 邮箱:jcjyyj_edu@163.com
M. Lee说:留言于2014-05-03 23:05:31(第54条)
橙縣626夜市舉行時間:5月9日– 5 月11 日(周五 - 周日),下午4時至晚間
地點:Orange County Fair and Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
聯絡人:Ed Chien, 626-759-2925
連著多年吸引數萬人潮參與的626夜市(NIGHT MARKET),將於母親節周末, 在橙縣熱鬧登場! 有更多美食、流行衣飾、創意產品、藝文表演等加入,將帶給橙縣各族裔民眾一場春日的饗宴。這是第一次 626 夜市在橙縣舉辦, 有超過兩百多個攤位。在美食方面,有愛玉冰、臭豆腐等台灣小吃和各族裔點心;在流行用品方面,有韓日飾品眼鏡、義大利皮件和服裝。另外還有許多藝術家在現場展現多方才藝,讓大眾有吃有玩,渡過一個難忘的夜晚。主辦單位特別安排了 “Horizon Dance Contest”, 有11 組舞林高手角逐高達美金 $1,000. 的獎金. 並與著名藝術團體 KawaiiKowai 共同設計製作世界最大的“Bobazilla” , 向新的世界紀錄挑戰, 並帶給訪客意想不到的驚喜! http://bit.ly/Bobazilla-OC
特別請到日本非常出名, 並得到多張白金殊榮的暢銷歌手 Che’Nelle, 在周五晚熱力演唱.
Contact: 626-759-2925
YGT说:留言于2014-05-03 08:15:36(第53条)
馬英九的母親秦厚修因慢性肺部腫瘤併發呼吸衰竭,晚間6時16分過世,享壽93歲。萬芳醫院表示,秦厚修在馬總統及家人陪伴下辭世,遺體隨即移往第二殯儀館,馬家決定不設治喪委員會,不發訃聞,不設靈堂,也婉謝各界花籃、花圈和奠儀,家屬再次由衷感謝秦厚修住院期間各界的關心問候。 此外,馬家對秦厚修的後事,可能比照2005年為父親馬鶴凌治喪時的簡樸及低調,不舉行公祭,在家祭、火化遺體後,直接將骨灰存放台北市富德靈骨樓,與馬鶴凌骨灰並存。馬英九晚間在萬芳醫院陪秦厚修走完最後一程,全心處理後事。
Yvonne L.说:留言于2014-05-03 02:59:07(第52条)
Thank you so much Prof Jiang. Have a good weekend!
Leo FW说:留言于2014-05-02 22:23:27(第51条)
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2014-05-02 09:28:17(第50条)
各位僑領, 僑胞 惠鑒:
南加州庫卡蒙加牧場(Ranch Cucamonga)4月30日因聖塔安娜「焚風」,強風、高溫、乾燥引發山林大火,災區儘管門窗緊閉,濃煙、焦味依舊四起。期盼 僑胞視火勢情況,倘若感到身體不適或安全受到威脅時,請馬上撤離以確保生命財產之安全。鑒於近日內陸地區連續乾熱和大風氣候,造成火災頻發,提醒僑胞在戶外時小心火燭及遠離電源線,並加強居家及自身安全措施。

Bruce L.说:留言于2014-05-02 02:48:20(第49条)

X.H. Yang说:留言于2014-05-02 02:47:39(第48条)
Dear Professor Jiang,
Thank you very much for publishing the news article!
Jessica P.说:留言于2014-05-02 02:38:27(第47条)
Thank you for all your help!
哈佛中國教育論壇说:留言于2014-05-02 02:28:17(第46条)
哈佛中國教育論壇2014年會,將於5月2日(周五)和3日(周六)在哈佛大學教育學院Longfellow Hall(地址為13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138)舉行。年會主題為「國際化視野下的中國教育與領導力」,邀請哈佛研究中國的著名教授傅高義(Ezra F. Vogel)、包弼德(Peter K. Bol)、柯偉林(William C. Kirby)和裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry),以及前澳洲總理陸克文等嘉賓聯合探討。
黑龙江省欧美同学会说:留言于2014-05-02 01:21:38(第45条)

黑龙江省欧美同学会 联络部
jack说:留言于2014-05-01 23:55:02(第44条)
Thank you very much!
Jeffery说:留言于2014-05-01 10:41:08(第43条)
Please advise how one receives your NEWSLETTER or becomes a member.

Nin hao ma,
A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. Never give up

John 约翰
Scholar of China’s Garden Art 中国的园林艺术的学者

电科院说:留言于2014-05-01 10:12:26(第42条)

USC Pacific Asia Museum说:留言于2014-05-01 09:19:26(第41条)
USC Pacific Asia Museum is delighted to present five happinesses in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, through its signature event Fusion Fridays, now in Season Five! Immerse yourself in the enchanting and dynamic art and culture of Asia Pacific and enjoy five fun elements- art exhibitions, cultural performances, hands-on activities, DJ music, food and drinks, and much more! You can also network with like-minded people within and outside your profession, don’t miss out!

Summer Nights 2014
7:30-10:30 p.m. (Happy Hour: 7:30-8:30 p.m.)
Free for members, $15 nonmembers
Save the dates for USC Pacific Asia Museum''s fifth season of our popular Fusion Friday series! Enjoy a dynamic mix of art in the galleries, interactive experiences and live performances, all within the museum''s iconic building. Cocktail or Asian attire is encouraged for this indoor and outdoor event. Each evening features special performances and activities, and also include DJs spinning in the courtyard, a cash bar, and L.A.'s best food trucks in the parking lot. To buy or reserve your tickets, visit fusionfridays2014.eventbrite.com.

May 16 The 2014 premier celebrates special exhibition The Other Side: Chinese and Mexican Immigration to America, with a night of dragon dancing and salsa lessons in the museum's scenic courtyard. The YoroKobi Photobooth will also be onsite, plus Don Chow and India Jones food trucks.

June 20 Take part in traditional Indian wedding festivities, then enjoy a Tibetan folk dance performance plus lessons! Featuring the India Jones and Komodo food trucks.

July 18 Listen to Korean drums and gongs, then stand back for a samurai reenactment – and photo ops!

August 15 Enjoy a night of dance and live “Afro-Arab fusion trance groove music” music by Bedouin X as we gear up for an exhibition of contemporary art from the Middle East.
APEX说:留言于2014-05-01 08:36:33(第40条)
Join Us Tonight at 6:30 for our Communication Workshop and Enjoy Free Phily Cheesesteaks provided by Boo's (contact amy.cheong@apex.org)

Learn to use three powerful tools of speech: storytelling, humor, and technical visual aids from the communication experts of Warner Brothers Toastmasters! Whether it is a public presentation, informal gathering, or business meeting, demystify the skill of effective communication and be heard in any situation. Based loosely on the format championed by Toastmasters International--a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills since 1924-- the workshop will include three original presentations and three evaluations, followed by a 30-minute panel discussion open to the audience. Get the help you have been wanting and ask your questions about quashing anxiety, having presence in a meeting, and being memorable.

Pallavi Ridout is president of Warner Brothers Toastmasters Club and has won multi awards. She holds an MBA in International Business Marketing from George Washington University and is the Director for Organizational Development at Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Raajeev Aggarwal was awarded the highest recognition bestowed by Toastmasters International to its members. He is the President and CEO of Compubahn, Inc., an Information Technology services company focused on software development, predictive data analytics and big data; and is also a stand-up comedian, humorist and satirist focusing on humor

国际艺术科技学院说:留言于2014-05-01 07:31:58(第39条)

刘教授在百忙中安排特别舞蹈教学课程于5/3/2014 和5/4/2014 在本院亲自传授民族舞蹈美丽精髓,造福学子,作育英才。

国际艺术科技学院 院长 刘华光 艺术院长 陈虹
联络电话: 626-841-2545; 626-802-5971
Email: liuhuakuang@yahoo.com
Vaccines Research and Development Conference说:留言于2014-05-01 02:13:29(第38条)
Early registration discount ends May 9th!
12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference
July 9-11, 2014 | Hyatt Regency | Boston, MA

Dear Colleague,
We wanted to let you know the 20% early registration discount is ending on May 9, 2014. Register today to take advantage of savings of up to $350 and attend the 12th Annual Vaccines Research & Development Conference, to be held in Boston, MA on July 9-11, 2014. This conference continues a tradition of presenting valuable updates and exposure to all aspects of vaccine development in a setting conducive to great networking.

This year's program will feature the following speakers:
Dan Barouch, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Michael W. Deem, John W. Cox Professor, Rice University
Philip R. Dormitzer, Head of US Research, Global Head of Virology, Vice President, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Joseph G. Joyce, Director, Vaccine Process Development, Merck Research Laboratories
Thomas Kosten, Waggoner Chair and Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Immunology & Pathology; Co-Director, Dan Duncan Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Baylor College of Medicine
Richard Malley, Division of Infectious Diseases, Children''''s Hospital Boston
Katarina Radosevic, Vice President Immunology and Proof of Concept, Head Vaccine Discovery, Crucell Vaccine Institute, Janssen Center of Excellence for Immunoprophylaxis
Chih-Jen (CJ) Wei, Director, Sanofi Pasteur

Topics for the meeting include:
I. Development of Influenza Vaccines - Joint Session with the 3rd Influenza Research & Development Conference
II. Adjuvants & Delivery Systems
III. Advances in Therapeutic Vaccines
IV. Future Trends in Vaccine Development
V. Vaccines for the Developing World
VI. Immunotherapeutic Vaccines
VII. Novel Technologies in Vaccine Development
The 12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference is part of the annual Infectious Diseases World Summit, which includes two other concurrent meetings:
11th Annual Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference
3rd Annual Influenza Research & Development Conference
Conatct: vac@lifescienceshome.com
人民论坛说:留言于2014-05-01 02:10:06(第37条)
国际刊号: ISSN 1004-3381 国内刊号: CN 11-2961/D
追尋中國夢──海歸講座说:留言于2014-04-30 03:18:43(第36条)
北加福智將於5月3日(周六)舉辦「追尋中國夢──海歸」講座,邀請有海歸經驗的各方人士與家屬分享酸甜苦辣,也探討海歸成功的要素及失敗的教訓。海歸講座活動時間:5月3日(周六)下午1時30分至4時30 分。地點:庫比蒂諾昆蘭社區中心(Quinlan Center,10185 N Stelling Rd)。歡迎上網查看詳情,報名電話:408-245-2228。網址:www.bwnc.org/main。活動免費,請即早報名。
CSSPENA说:留言于2014-04-30 03:05:03(第35条)
缤纷夏日曼哈顿最高露天酒吧派对 Shining Summer Party
想认识来自哥伦比亚大学,纽约电影学院,茱莉亚音乐学院的新朋友? 想结识就职于摩根史坦利,高盛,谷歌,facebook的青年才俊?在盛夏来临之前再让Networking热一点吧!
活动时间:2014/517 19:00 pm - 2014/5/18 2:00 am
地点: Skyroom 330 West 40th street, 33th floor, NY. NY
前100人注册优惠 - 注册链接: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/golden-networkingshinning-summer-party-tickets-11452451591
网站: www.csspena.com
SCCAEPA说:留言于2014-04-30 00:59:14(第34条)
Oh. Thank you so much!
APEX说:留言于2014-04-30 00:52:50(第33条)
Join APEX this Wednesday, April 30th!
Learn to use three powerful tools of speech: storytelling, humor, and technical visual aids from the communication experts of Warner Brothers Toastmasters! Whether it is a public presentation, informal gathering, or business meeting, demystify the skill of effective communication and be heard in any situation. Based loosely on the format championed by Toastmasters International--a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills since 1924-- the workshop will include three original presentations and three evaluations, followed by a 30-minute panel discussion open to the audience. Get the help you have been wanting and ask your questions about quashing anxiety, having presence in a meeting, and being memorable.
Pallavi Ridout is president of Warner Brothers Toastmasters Club and has won multi awards. She holds an MBA in International Business Marketing from George Washington University and is the Director for Organizational Development at Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Raajeev Aggarwal was awarded the highest recognition bestowed by Toastmasters International to its members. He is the President and CEO of Compubahn, Inc., an Information Technology services company focused on software development, predictive data analytics and big data; and is also a stand-up comedian, humorist and satirist focusing on humor "with a message."
Register Here: http://apex.org/main/event/4281#.U1Beotxzl3U
海外学人归国创业行说:留言于2014-04-30 00:49:58(第32条)


1. 大连海创周: 大连市政府主办,于2014年6月下旬召开,受邀参会的留学人员在参加主会场的活动之外,可前往大连下属各区县或周边城市进行深入对接。
2. 江浙地区考察活动:(活动时间:2014年7月初)
3、 2014苏州国际精英周:(活动时间:2014年7月上旬)

Chapman.edu说:留言于2014-04-29 07:21:43(第31条)
Peking Opera – the Quintessential Chinese Art of Singing, Dancing and Martial Art
Guest Presenters/Performers Madame Ping Sun and Mr. Jinsen Ye

Madame Ping Sun and her husband Jinsen Ye, both world-renowned Peking Opera artists, hail from Beijing, China, where Peking Opera originated more than 220 years ago. Madame Sun is an all China First-Class Artist. She is Professor and Director of Center of National Drama Studies Renmin University of China as well as Director of the Institute of Arts Beijing Foreign Studies University, both in Beijing, China. Mr. Ye is an adjust professor of drama studies at both the two universities. In the autumn of 2000, the couple, on invitation, cooperated with National Symphony Orchestra, Washington D.C, Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra of University of Pennsylvania and performed Peking Opera with symphony music which created much of a stir. In May of that year, the troupe visited China and also caused a stir. The couple was a visiting professor of University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. Besides regular lectures and performances in China, the couple often conducts performance/lecture tours in both Europe and the United States.

In this performance/lecture at Chapman University, the couple, dressed in the Peking Opera costume, will not only perform segments of some famous Peking Opera pieces based on classic Chinese literature works such as A Journey to the West and the Three Kingdoms, but also explain some typical roles of different Peking Opera actors and artistic skills of acting and singing in comparison to the Western style.

Event Time, Date and Location:
2:30-3:45 p.m., Monday, May 5, 2014 Science Center 150 Chapman University One University Drive Orange CA 92866
For Maps and Directions: http://www.chapman.edu/about/maps-directions/ or call campus police and parking at (714) 997-7663
Sponsor: Wilkinson College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Chapman University

The event is free and open to the public. It is in Chinese with English translations on the spot.
Contact: Dr. & Prof. Jia at jia@chapman.edu or (714) 997-6725 (o)
中国学校体育与青少年健康促进国际研讨会说:留言于2014-04-29 04:45:44(第30条)
四年一度的中国中学生运动会将于今年七月在上海召开。根据惯例,在中学生运动会之前,会举办中学生运动会科学论文报告会。经教育部批准,今年的科报会期间,还将同时举办首届学校体育与青少年健康促进国际研讨会。欢迎各位华人学者积极投稿。Contact: xiaozanwang@163.com
西安理工大学说:留言于2014-04-29 04:29:31(第29条)
活动地点的具体地址如下:Room #601,SGM Building, University of Southern California
3620 McClintock Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089
JVIP说:留言于2014-04-28 08:10:52(第28条)
Private Yacht Party!!
Jumbo VP Collection invites you to attend the Grand Red-Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Sea-World, San Diego on Board our private yacht "Jumbo Endeavor"!!
Wednesday April 30, 2014 at 11:30am.
Please RSVP: Email; JVIP@usa1988.com
SDCP说:留言于2014-04-28 06:24:12(第27条)
圣地亚哥豪宅多美好 何时有人抢?(多图)
ICSPAH说:留言于2014-04-27 01:51:21(第26条)
Dear ICSPAH members and friends in the United States, Hong Kong, and Taiwan,
As usual, ICSPAH members will have chances to visit mainland China for scholarly exchange and presentation during summer time. The followings are opportunities in this coming summer. There are four universities that have indicated willingness to have an ICSPAH delegation visit them, and the visiting period is from June 15 to June 30. If your summer plans allow you to visit any or all of these universities, please send me an email indicating your interest. While the final visit schedule to each university has not been finalized yet, the following schedules are most likely to happen and you can arrange your travel plan accordingly. I’ll keep you updated in terms of the finalized schedules and other relevant things.

1. June 16-17 (Mon. & Tues.): 沈阳化工大学,Shenyang University of Chemical Technology (ICSPAH 沈阳办公室所在地)
2. June 19-20 (Thur. & Fri.): 华南理工大学,South China University of Technology (Physical Education School)
3. June 23-24 (Mon. & Tues.): 新疆师范大学,Xinjiang Normal University (Physical Education School)
4. June 26-27 (Thur. & Fri.): 河南大学,Henan University (Physical Education School)

These universities will cover travel expenses within China, provide accommodations during stay in their universities, and pay some remuneration to the visitors (but we should not have a “high” expectation in this aspect – Thank you!). Thank you very much in advance for your interest and support!
dai说:留言于2014-04-26 01:18:11(第25条)

SinoVision currrently has a talent show competition and the shows are online now. Please feel free to cast your votes for your favorivate shows after your view. Let us support our next generation of Chinese American in their talent development.

纽英伦中华资讯网路协会去纽英伦中华资讯网路协会家留言留言于2014-04-26 00:29:04(第24条)
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop (NEW) 2.0 - Final Pitch & Presentation
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm, Thursday night, May 1st, 2014
Venues: One Broadway, 15th Floor (KPMG), Cambridge Innovation Center, Cambridge MA 02142
After six months of building and improving, our NEW 2.0 Finalists are ready to present their pitch in front of judges. Come join us in a wonderful evening watching teams compete and judges provide great feedback! Several of our teams have received funding already! All of them are making great strides.
6:00 - 6:30pm Pizza, drinks and networking
6:30 - 6:40pm Welcoming statements and judge introduction, ground rules (Tony Tian, VP of NECINA)
6:40 - 7:00pm NECINA overview and KPMG overview
7:00 - 9:00pm Pitching Contest
9:00 - 9:30pm Judges in close door private session for scoring / Other audience can networking in the main conference room
Results will be announced at NECINA annual meeting
Pitch Sequence of NEW 2.0 Finalists
Ice Breaker Pitch
X2 Tech
Tap and Learn

Judges/Investor Panel:
Eastlink Venture
Koa Fund
Fairhaven Capital
Register Now: http://necinanew2013-2-1-4.eventdove.com/?utm_source=NECINA+Newsletter+-+4%2F24%2F2014&utm_campaign=Newsletter+4%2F8&utm_medium=email
IBM说:留言于2014-04-26 00:23:09(第23条)

IBM Webcast "Open innovation to put data to work"
Time: April 28th
Enroll Online for the Webcast
Organizations are amassing a wealth of data and know that they can transform their business by turning that data into actionable insight. And they expect IT to make that happen. But businesses are maxing out their data centers and running out of space and energy by running inefficient systems that can''t handle the demands of today''s big data economy. With mounting security concerns and technology limitations, businesses need the confidence and cost advantages to realize the true benefits of cloud and the ability to leverage the creativity of the open-source community to accelerate application development and time to value.
Join the April 28th WEBCAST, "Open innovation to put data to work" to learn how IBM Power Systems'' first generation servers and solutions break the physical and virtual boundaries of data center in ways never before possible. Designed with open innovation to drive faster insights from data-hungry applications, these first generation systems help organizations realize the benefits of cloud and quickly tap into an open ecosystem of community-created innovation that is transforming the way IT is created and consumed.

Enroll Today:
FWD说:留言于2014-04-26 00:20:54(第22条)
#ThinkFWD Boston Launch: The Future of Talent
Time: 6:30 pm on Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Venue: Microsoft NERD, 1 Memorial Drive, 14th Floor, Cambridge MA 02142

RSVP Now: http://www.fwd.us/field_042914_thinkfwdboston_p?utm_campaign=events&utm_source=email&utm_medium=organizer&utm_term=041914_boslaunch
Languages说:留言于2014-04-26 00:16:36(第21条)
Boston-area developer of speech recognition software for cell phones is seeking a native Cantonese speaker with an interest in software localization and testing. The job involves working with the Linguistic, Localization and Quality Assurance teams to develop, localize and test speech-software for the mobile device market in China. In addition to having native-level fluency in spoken Cantonese, the applicants should have high proficiency in written Chinese (simplified script for Guangdong; traditional script for Hong Kong). They should also have a good command of written and spoken English. Previous experience working in the software development and testing field is desirable but not required. Work arrangements are flexible. A portion of the work may need to be done on-site in Burlington, MA or Cambridge, MA offices. Approximate time frame of project: Estimated to start in late April - early May 2014 and to continue for the next few weeks. Approximately 10-20 hours for the initial project, with the potential for follow-on work after that. You need to be fully authorized to work in the United States.

Company: Nuance Communications, Burlington, MA
Please reply with a resume and a short, informal cover letter to:languages456@gmail.com
福建省人力资源与社会保障厅说:留言于2014-04-26 00:10:15(第20条)
Thank you!

V. Yeh说:留言于2014-04-26 00:09:21(第19条)
Dear Prof. Jiang:
Thanks very much!
EDDS说:留言于2014-04-26 00:07:37(第18条)
Europe Drug Discovery Summit
May 6-9, 2014 | Kempinski Bristol Hotel | Berlin, Germany

Dear Colleague,
We wanted to let you know the Europe Drug Discovery Summit is happening very soon. Sign up and attend all three conferences that make up the Summit:
Tissue Models & Screening Technologies on May 6-7, 2014
Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry on May 8-9, 2014
Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery also on May 8-9, 2014
The Europe Drug Discovery Summit will be held at the Kempinski Bristol Hotel in Berlin, Germany.
please contact 626-256-6405 x110 or spex@gtcbio.com
Ethan说:留言于2014-04-25 07:12:59(第17条)
Thank you so very much! Best, Ethan
中国教师杂志社说:留言于2014-04-25 01:53:34(第16条)
《中国教师》开设的特色栏目有:特别关注、法制视窗、热点透视、励耘心曲、科学与人文、木铎金声、教海探航、课改之窗、学校-家庭-社会、走近名人、教海沟沉、教师故事、细雨微澜、海外来风、走进西部、品位人生、好书在手、人淡如菊等。 主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部
出 版:中国教师杂志社
编 辑:《中国教师》杂志编辑部
地 址:北京师范大学英东教育楼601室
邮 编:100875
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2014-04-25 01:50:57(第15条)
Film Stars in the Perspective of Performance Studies: Play, Liminality, and Alteration in Chinese Cinema
-Lecture by Yingjin Zhang, University of California, San Diego
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
11377 Bunche Hall
Star studies approach film stars as “structured polysemy” and anticipate a salient system of meaning for us to decode and appreciate. Performance theory treats meaning as “conjunctural” rather than “structured” and privileges coincident, improvisation and juxtaposition. Approaching star studies through performance theory helps explore a wealth of filmic techniques and performance tactics. This article focuses on Tony Leung Chiu-Wai’s “self-effacing” performance as repetition and examines special cases of play and liminality as well as presence and absence in Chinese cinema. These cases challenge our conventional habit of thought and cognition and reveal an unlimited potential of alternative and alteration vis-à-vis history and reality.

Yingjin Zhang is Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature at University of California, San Diego. His English books include The City in Modern Chinese Literature and Film (1996), Encyclopedia of Chinese Film (1998), China in a Polycentric World (1998), Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai (1999), Screening China (2002), Chinese National Cinema (2004), From Underground to Independent (2006), Cinema, Space, and Polylocality in a Globalizing China (2010), Chinese Film Stars (2010), A Companion to Chinese Cinema (2012), and Liangyou, Kaleidoscopic Modernity and the Shanghai Global Metropolis (2013).
哈佛大学中国学联说:留言于2014-04-25 01:36:02(第14条)
H.E. Cui Tiankai, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the U.S.: “China’s Role in Asia-Pacific & China-U.S. Relations"
H.E. Cui Tiankai, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States is a is a native of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. He studied at East China Normal University and the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University. From 2007-2009, he served as the Chinese Ambassador to Japan. Before becoming Ambassador to the U.S. in April 2013, he served as Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Location: Wiener Auditorium, Ground Floor, Taubman Building, Harvard Kennedy School
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014
Time: 3:30 PM

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA)
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge
website: www.hcssa.org
email: harvardcssa@gmail.com
facebook group: Harvard CSSA
facebook: Harvard CSSA
Twitter: Harvard CSSA
微博: 哈佛大学中国学联
Daniel说:留言于2014-04-25 01:29:27(第13条)
Dear friends,
In the past decade, we witnessed China’s explosive economy growth. Many of you may think that you “had missed” the grand opportunity. Yes – to certain point, if you wish you had bought one or more apartment(s) somewhere China before 2007. However, if you are ambitious and you happen to be an expert of the mobile internet technologies, the opportunity is still there for you: in the next 2~3 years, ~70% of population in China will be accessing mobile internet. Next-generation messaging platform, cloud computing, big data analytics will reshape people’s daily life from shopping, transportation, homemaking, education, healthcare and etc. This opportunity won’t stay long, and you do have to move back (at certain point).

Now, China Mobile is setting up two grand R&D centers at Hang Zhou and Su Zhou respectively ( targeted for 4000+ people each), and is recruiting from technical team leader to executive leaders who can manage a division or even a center. If you are interested in these opportunities, please feel free to contact Rena (rena.ye@yahoo.com) with your resume. BTW, if you are still not sure whether or not moving back, you have the opportunity to work for China Mobile USA Research Center. Here are a few sample job posts at LinkedIn (feel free to apply):

If you still have any questions, please feel free to reach me at cmusrc@chinamobile.com. All the best to you and your family in 2014 and beyond!
新英格蘭台灣青商會说:留言于2014-04-24 09:49:57(第12条)
新英格蘭台灣青商會(TYCCNE)將聯合台美專業人士協會、新英格蘭玉山科技協會、新英格蘭台灣學生會聯盟、波士頓大學台灣學生會,並邀請美國紅十字會於5月3日(周六)上午11時至下午4時在波士頓華僑文教服務中心(90 Lincoln St.,Newton Highlands,MA 02461)舉辦公益捐血活動。參與本次捐血活動的義工與捐血者將獲得$5兌換券一張,可於牛頓台灣日園遊會使用,Cumberland Farms提供的免費餐盒,以及Infusions Tea Spa、益順軒烘培坊提供的美味台灣點心。捐血的條件是身體健康的男性或女性,年滿17歲,體重達110磅(約50公斤)和須攜帶照片證件。查詢可上網www.facebook.com/events/1479032558981991/。
Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association说:留言于2014-04-24 05:37:20(第11条)
Spring 2014 Outlet Shopping, Apr. 27 Sun.

Dear friends,
Time to go shopping for you and your relatives and friends before going back home this summer! The Outing Team of HCSSA is pleased to organize a whole-day shopping trip to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets on Sunday, April 27.
Schedule on Apr. 27, Sun.
Pick up (1): 9am, Harvard Cambridge campus, 29 Oxford street, Cambridge, MA.
Pick up (2): 9:30am, Harvard Longwood campus, 107 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA.
Arrival at destination: 10:30am, Wrentham Village Premium Outlets, 1 Premium Outlet Boulevard, Wrentham, MA.
Return: 5:30pm sharp.
Arrival (1): around 6:30pm, at Harvard Longwood campus, 107 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA.
Arrival (2): around 7:00pm, at Harvard Cambridge campus, 29 Oxford street, Cambridge, MA.
Tickets: Please purchase ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-2014-shopping-trip-to-the-wrentham-village-premium-outlet-tickets-11315483917
Terms and Conditions:
1. Those who have purchased the tickets have guaranteed seats. Tickets are non-refundable unless someone on the waiting list is willing to take your ticket.
2. Please be on time! Let's try not to make others wait. If you miss the boarding time, you may need to call a cab. We assume no obligation of waiting for you.
3. A waiver must be signed by every passenger before boarding.
4. HCSSA assumes no responsibility for any consequence incurred by any individual.
5. Upon purchasing the ticket, you agree with the conditions above. We wish you a great shopping tour in advance.

Sincerely yours,
HCSSA Outing
Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA)
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge
website: www.hcssa.org
email: harvardcssa@gmail.com
facebook group: Harvard CSSA
facebook: Harvard CSSA
微博: 哈佛大学中国学联
Harvard CSSA Venture Club说:留言于2014-04-24 05:33:20(第10条)
Entrepreneurship Training 3
Legal Issues of Business Formation in America
Speaker: Ye Edward HUANG, ESQ.
Time: April 26th (Saturday), 2014, 2-3:30 pm
Location: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 02138
(Please RSVP: http://goo.gl/bQA3Ke , we will email you the room number)
Language: English and Chinese

Come learn all that is needed to form a business entity in America and the legal aspects involved. Whether you are just thinking about starting or have already started and are not sure exactly what you need to do, then come along, ask questions, meet fellow start-ups and find out what’s needed to start a business.
The seminar will focus on the following issues:
• How to form a business entity in Massachusetts and other states in America?
• How to choose the right entity for your business to maximize your tax benefits and provide protection from personal liability?
• Legal aspects of funding and running your business entity.
• The impact of the immigration status of the Directors and/or Officers of an US company.
• For profit v. Non Profit Corporations.
• Advantage and Disadvantage of registering your business entity in Delaware versus in Massachusetts
• International joint venture.
Nankai Boston说:留言于2014-04-24 05:27:30(第9条)

Jushan X.说:留言于2014-04-24 03:38:19(第8条)
Job opening for senior software engineer
The position is for senior circuit simulation engineer responsible for designing, implementing, optimizing, and maintaining circuit simulation software for use with transistor-level analog, RF, mixed signal, and digital circuit simulators. The engineer will be responsible for leading multiple development efforts through the development process, including writing specifications based on marketing and product requirements, designing and implementing product improvements and fixes, and working with a cross-functional team to ensure the software is tested, integrated and documented. The engineer must be proficient in C/C++ Unix development, and have a thorough knowledge of numerical methods for circuit simulation. The engineer must have a proven ability to learn from and work with an engineering and cross-functional team to deliver innovative products in a production environment.

Core Responsibilities:
• Develop, optimize, maintain, enhance circuit simulation software
• Interact with multiple functional teams on project development
• Good communication skill with remote team
• Do peer code reviews and maintain a high quality thread safe code & test base.

Position Requirements
The candidates should have strong software programming skill with C/C++
Strong interest and understanding of complex software development in UNIX platform are required.
M.S. or Ph.D. in computer science, electrical engineering, or other related areas.

Company Information
Cadence is the global leader in software, hardware, and services that is driving the transformation of the electronic design automation (EDA) industry. This application-driven approach for creating, integrating, and optimizing designs helps customers realize Analog & Digital ICs , System-On-Chip devices, IP and complete systems at lower costs and with higher quality.

Cadence provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations, or ordinances.
Authorization to work in the United States will be required.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate against applicants due to race, ethnicity, gender, veteran status, or on the basis of disability or any other federal, state or local protected class.

Conatact: xjushan@yahoo.com
Tom说:留言于2014-04-24 01:09:55(第7条)
Thanks a lot, Zhenying.
中财大校友会说:留言于2014-04-24 00:58:04(第6条)
SICC说:留言于2014-04-24 00:54:29(第5条)
AANS2014 focuses on theoretical and applied research that involves discontinuous and nonsmooth systems. The domain of application of nonsmooth models is growing to encompass a broad and challenging set of applications, including smart grids, large integrated circuits, complex mechanical and cyberphysical systems, and genetic circuits, which require the study of systems that are a lot larger and include many more uncertainties than those for which nonsmooth systems theory was initially developed.

The main objective of this conference is to bring together researchers in applied and theoretical nonsmooth systems to share the latest theoretical results, to discuss novel and promising applications, to identify the challenges that lie at the frontier of mathematics and engineering and plan the most promising routes to a solution.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Local and global results on nonsmooth dynamics
- Strategies for the analysis and control of hybrid systems
- Dynamics of large or networked nonsmooth systems, reduction techniques
- Numerical tools for the analysis and simulation of nonsmooth systems
- Applications of nonsmooth models in physics and engineering
- Deterministic and stochastic modelling frameworks.

Authors of contributed talks will be required to submit a 1 page abstract by 15 May 2014. Accepted talks will be notified early in June. Student travel support requests and pre-registration (at a discounted rate) must be completed on or before 30 June 2014. Further information can be found on the conference website: http://aans2014.deib.polimi.it/

SICC - Societa ''Italiana Caos e Complessita''
e-mail info@sicc-it.org
Web http://www.sicc-it.org
ICAES说:留言于2014-04-24 00:51:46(第4条)
Thank you so much for your support!
Have a great day!

Audrey H.说:留言于2014-04-24 00:49:06(第3条)
Dear Prof. Jiang,
That is very sweet of you to do so. I really appreciate it.
Best, Audrey
CCDCUS说:留言于2014-04-24 00:05:10(第2条)
“文化中國 名家講壇”《京劇與梅蘭芳》講座
講座內容: 京劇藝術及其特點
地點:聖蓋博希爾頓 San Gabriel Hilton Hotel Ballroom B2
地址:225 W Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91776
電子郵件: ccdcus@gmail.com 電話:626-281-8500
DTSC说:留言于2014-04-23 23:40:35(第1条)

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