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2015/10/15 16:50:50 | 浏览:18609 | 评论:42

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第33期 創刊第702期 10/5-10/15/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.32),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.33)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4298]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4833]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5105]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4307]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4329]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4611]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4916]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5243]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4444]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5425]
:陈文玲: 必须推动中美关系回到正确轨道 Colleen Flaherty 翻译 刘勤:MIT教授发文《美国经济评论》 :生命科学受益于明星科学家们的死亡 :北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2015-10-30 09:02:30(第39条)
28th Sammy Yukuan Lee Lecture on Chinese Archaeology and Art Calligraphy and Everyday Life among Late Qing Officials - by Qianshen Bai, Art History, Zhejiang University
Calligraphy by Weng Tonghe (1830-1904). Collection of Mr. Wan-go Weng
Saturday, November 07, 2015
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
UCLA Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium
Free and open to the public
For more information about the event, including parking information, please click here.
Presented by the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, the Fowler Museum at UCLA, and Sammy Yukuan Lee Foundation
Utilizing diaries, letters, and other collections of informal jottings, this lecture describes and analyzes calligraphy in the everyday life of late Qing government officials. It deals with a number of issues, including the daily practice of calligraphy, calligraphies as gifts, fans and couplets as major calligraphic formats, the ways of maximizing the efficiency of calligraphic production to cope with an increasing demand for calligraphy caused by population growth, the taboo on selling calligraphy, and the relation between an economy of gifting and the acquisition of calligraphy. By these means, this lecture seeks to deepen our understanding of the cultural life of the Chinese elite toward the end of imperial China.
Professor Qianshen Bai graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Peking University and a Ph.D. from Yale University. From 1997 to 2015 he taught at Boston University and became a professor of art history at Zhejiang University very recently. He is the author of Fu Shan’s World: The Transformation of Chinese Calligraphy in the Seventeenth Century. He received a fellowship from The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in 2004 and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2011. He is now conducting a research on Wu Dacheng, a government official, scholar, collector, and painter-calligrapher, in the late Qing dynasty. Professor Bai is also an accomplished calligrapher.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555
China Institute说:留言于2015-10-30 04:32:59(第38条)
Book Launch & Author Talk: Jeanne-Marie Gescher's All Under Heaven
China Institute is delighted to announce an evening with Jeanne-Marie Gescher! Is China''''s greatest importance to the world really its economics? In her new book, Jeanne-Marie Gescher argues that China's greatest importance lies in a 5,000 year question about order: how can human beings live together in a big and complex world? Weaving together the inspirations, ideas and dreams that have shaped the way China's people have thought about order from the ancient past to the recent present, Jeanne-Marie explains how and why China's question is at the heart of everything, not only in China but for the world at large. Through an evening of readings and conversation, Jeanne-Marie will share the ideas of her book: All Under Heaven, China's Dreams of Order
Tuesday, November 17, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Members: $10 | Non-members: $15
100 Washington Street (Enter @ 40 Rector St.) NY, NY 10006
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 138
中美電影合作高峰論壇说:留言于2015-10-30 04:30:28(第37条)
2015 第 11 屆中美電影節-中美電影合作高峰論壇
2015 11th China U.S. Film Summit
Connect With US China Film Industry Leaders, Producers, Investors, Movie Stars, Directors.
想與行業內精英Social Network?
11月2日隆重舉行。地点是高大上的派拉蒙 (Paramount, Detail address show on tickects)
Time: 9:30am to 4:00 pm
Topic One: China US Film Trend, Social Media & New Economy
Topic Two:China US Film Distribution Chaneels
Topic Three: China US Co-Production of Films
More information and online registration: https://americanchineseceosociety.wildapricot.org/event-2080725/Registration
China Institute说:留言于2015-10-29 06:12:17(第36条)
China's Millennials: The Want Generation with Eric Fish
Join us on Tuesday, November 3, for an Author Talk with Eric Fish, who will discuss his recently published work, China's Millennials: The Want Generation. In the book, Eric Fish, a millennial himself, profiles youth from around China to show how they are navigating the education system, the workplace, divisive social issues, and a resurgence in activism. Based on interviews with scholars, journalists, and hundreds of young Chinese, his engrossing book challenges the idea that today's youth have been pacified by material comforts and nationalism. Following rural Henan students struggling to get into college, a computer prodigy who sparked a nationwide patriotic uproar, and young social activists grappling with authorities, Fish deftly captures youthful struggle, disillusionment, and rebellion in a system that is scrambling to keep them in line-and, increasingly, scrambling to adapt when its youth refuse to conform.
Tuesday, November 3, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Members: $10 | Non-members: $15
100 Washington Street (Enter @ 40 Rector St.) NY, NY 10006
Contact: Aaron Nicholson 212-744-8181, ext. 138
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2015-10-29 06:10:19(第35条)
Writing and Rewriting Tang Literati Lives: Portraits of Writers in the Old and New Tang Histories
Thursday, October 29, 2015 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche 10383, UCLA
Anna Shields is a professor of Chinese literature in the Dept. of East Asian Studies at Princeton University, and she specializes in the literary history of the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Northern Song eras. Her interests lie at the intersection of social, cultural and literary change in the period of the Tang-Song transition. She has published two books: One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China (Harvard, 2015) and Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Collection from among the Flowers (Huajian ji) (Harvard, 2006), in addition to articles and book chapters on late medieval literature. She joined the Princeton faculty this July from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she was Associate Professor of Chinese and former Director of the Honors College. Before that, she was Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Arizona, and also a visiting professor at Princeton University and the University of Michigan. Her Ph.D. is from Indiana University and her M.A. from Harvard University. She is currently working on a new book project that examines Five Dynasties and Northern Song scholars’ interpretations of the Tang literary legacy.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, Ca 90095
Lisa YX说:留言于2015-10-29 01:03:27(第34条)
You work too hard. Please take care
LLJAY说:留言于2015-10-28 17:22:54(第33条)

上周末,美軍準備派艦艇「巡航」中國南海島礁12海里的消息持續發酵,美國海軍作戰部長甚至稱 「南海是大家的海」。中國應如何反制「美軍巡航南海」也成為外界關注的話題。中國軍事專家認為,一方面要做好法律戰的準備,另一方面要通過實際行動向美國表達堅決的意志,捍衛自己的主權。有專家指出,處置試圖進入中方島礁12海里的水面艦艇相對來說較為容易。在美俄以及北約與俄羅斯的「貓捉老鼠」遊戲中,大概有一大堆技巧可供中國軍方借鑒。極端情況下,可以採取撞擊的方式迫使美方退出中方12海里線。



目前狀況下,出於安全考慮,可以暫時將南沙相關海域視作 「安全警戒區」,範圍大小可根據防禦島礁的安全需要確定,如12海里或其他的寬度,以防止外國艦機接近。對於美國人一直表態要進入南海島礁12海里內巡航的意圖,這是美國的戰略考量,而不僅僅是一個戰術動作,這涉及到中美南海地區的利益博弈。目前,美國在亞太地區面臨較大的戰略壓力,其絕對優勢已今非昔比。借助盟國及友好夥伴關係國來幫助自己遏制中國日益增強的地區影響力,是維持自己地區霸權的關鍵。因此為了獲取盟國及友好夥伴關係國的信任,美必須表現強悍。至於美國所謂的行使自由航行權說辭,則十分牽強。因為,按照海洋法公約,行使自由航行權的區域是公海和專屬經濟區。領海行使的是無害通過權制度,並且許多國家還要求必須事先經過本國政府的批准和同意。而對於這一點,中國必須咬定青山不動搖,同時,於策略層面上智慧應對,保持斗而不破的局面。







「聽在」聲音藝術節2015说:留言于2015-10-28 10:52:44(第32条)
Around sound art festival 2015 -「聽在」聲音藝術節 2015
18.11 - 18.12.2015
@ Osage Gallery, Karin Weber Gallery, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong & McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Curators: Aki Onda (JP/US 日本/ 美國) | Helen Homan Wu (US/HK美國/ 香港)
Participating Artists 參與藝術家:
Feng Hao (PRC 中國) | Chelpa Ferro (Brazil 巴西) | Phoebe Hui (HK 香港) |
Eli Keszler (US 美國) | Jacob Kirkegaard (Denmark/ Germany 丹麥/德國) |
Rie Nakajima 中島吏英 (JP/UK 日本/英國) | Sergei Tcherepnin (US美國) |
Dennis Wong (HK香港)
Around sound art festival 2015 seeks to uncover the multi-layered range of perspectives by showcasing the artistic process behind concepts dealing with sound. The exhibitions bring together local and international artists and further through performances, workshops and talks, we attempt to break down assumptions that audiences might have on the definition of sound art.
Performances 演出 :
19.11.2015 (THU 四) | 8 pm | Performance 演出 (Free and open to public免費開放予公衆)
Feng Hao, Rie Nakajima, Sergei Tcherepnin @Multimedia Theatre, School of Creative Media 香港城市大學創意媒體學院多媒體劇場
24. 11.2015 (TUE 二) | 8 pm | Sonic Anchor #25 聲音下寨#25 (Ticketed programme收費活動$50*)
Eli Keszler, Dennis Wong (Sin:Ned) @McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心麥高利小劇場
chinainstitute.org说:留言于2015-10-28 09:43:00(第31条)
Private Equity Investing in China - by Bruce Ou, Managing Partner, Grove Street Advisors
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us for this timely discussion on private equity investing in China with Mr. Bruce Ou, a Managing Partner of Grove Street Advisors who co-leads the firm's strategy and portfolio development in China.

The Outlook for China's Economy - by Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs
Thursday, November 19, 2015
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Stephen Roach is a Senior Fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and was formerly Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the
Chief Economist.

Japan Society - The Global Economy through
the Lens of Foreign Exchange
Wednesday, Oct. 28th
9:00AM - 12:30PM

NYSSA - Third Annual Global Infrastructure Conference
Friday, Nov. 6th
8:30PM - 4:00PM

TCFA - China and World Economy: New Risks, Uncertainties and Opportunities
Sunday, Nov. 8th

100 Washington Street, New York, NY 10006
Tel: 212-744-8181
GG说:留言于2015-10-28 09:35:14(第30条)
Awesome, thanks!
HY说:留言于2015-10-28 08:43:47(第29条)
Thanks for sharing this.
axf说:留言于2015-10-28 08:37:04(第28条)
BOWERS MUSEUM说:留言于2015-10-28 06:40:51(第27条)
幾個世紀以來,歐洲的藝術家和染工們一直都在不遺餘力地尋找一種能與大自然媲美的紅色染料。直到16世紀,埃爾南•科爾特斯(Hernán Cortés)和其他西班牙征服者進駐墨西哥時,才終於在墨西哥的阿茲特克集貿市場發現了這種夢寐以求的染料。這種染料來自一種叫“胭脂蟲(cochineal)”的昆蟲體液,經它所染的紅色,易上色,而且色澤亮麗、自然,經久不褪。人們發現這種小蟲特有的汁液所染成的紅色是自然界其他任何物種所無可比擬的。這個發現從此改變了全世界的藝術、科技、時尚和歷史。而這個小小的“胭脂蟲”也從此染紅世界/紅遍全球……16世紀之前,這種胭脂蟲製成的染料已經在美洲使用了數百年。“染紅世界/紅遍全球” 大型巡迴展中,有100多件來自世界各地文化的歷史遺存珍品,如1800年拿破崙的座椅、18世紀日本消防員的典禮長袍、西班牙世界著名画家埃尔•格雷考(El Greco)的肖像画《救世主》等等,展品中有名畫、服飾、塑像、掛毯、家具和各類裝飾品。

新聞發佈會時間:2015年10月29日(星期四),上午11:00開始, Refreshments will be serviced

中華科工學會理事會说:留言于2015-10-27 03:48:19(第26条)
中華科工會研討會:打破職場瓶頸第二期,如何與人交談 (十一月八日)
CESASC seminar - in a series of six sessions for cracking the “Bamboo Ceiling” - 2nd Seminar (11/8/2015):
Ability to Make Conversation at Work and at Play
在職場除了与同事談公事,更要能夠私下互動談些公事以外的瑣事,例如體育,政治,経濟,文化等日常生活瑣事。這對於第一代移民的你我可是一件不容易的一件事。主要是我們的生活文化背景不同之故。但這些公事外的 "小談話" 卻是我們職塲上的重要潤滑劑。科工會有鍳於在談話方面對應方面的需要,特舉辦了這場由 Jeanette DePatie 主持的研討會。Jeanette 的經驗非常豐富,將由以美國文化為背景包括體育,藝術,音樂等而譲你能軽鬆的和任何人對話而達到交流的目的,壘積了個人的人胍。對你的事業生話有決對性的加分与幫助。除了一些基本的知識她更能現場讓您、參與和互動。不要擔心您的語言能力,因為您的語言能力是足夠的,您需要的是方法,交談的方法,對話的方式。我們會教你。
年終假期到來,你無須再擔心參加公司社團的聚會與歡宴,平時更可與人深入的交流而成為核心份子。下次昇遷的機會不會再跳過你了。給自己一個機會,趕快來報名。座位有限。我們分現埸和網路兩類,分別為二十和十园,保證物超所值。另有優惠如您購買整個季票。如您覺的沒用學不到東西我們會全額退款給您。不會有風險。非常希望您和您的朋友一起來,您知道要改變您的社交, 創造您新的機會,來吧不要再想了,機會難得啊。帶著您的社交煩惱来,咱們一起努力解決。
日期: November 8, 2015
時間: 1:30 pm registration and networking, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 研討會開始
地奌: 601 Las Tunas Drive, #100, Arcadia CA 91007
登記: https://crackingbambooceiling.eventbrite.com
chinainstitute.org说:留言于2015-10-27 03:31:48(第25条)
A Master & His Protégé: The Films of Xie Fei and Zheng Dasheng
This four-week screening series is dedicated to the films of master Fourth Generation film director Xie Fei and a director who studied under him, Zheng Dasheng. Screenings will include Xie Fei's widely acclaimed films Black Snow and Woman Sesame Oil Maker and Zheng Dasheng's historical works about his childhood home city Tianjin, Useless Man and Falling City. Each screening will be introduced by a noted
film scholar and will feature a question & answer period at the close.
Nov.12th, 19th; Dec. 3rd, 10th
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Members $8 / Non-Members $10
Learn More Register Now

China Institute | 100 Washington Street (Enter @ 40 Rector St.) | NY, NY 10006
Contact: YuYang Li 212-744-8181, ext. 121
鄞州人才办说:留言于2015-10-26 13:54:55(第24条)
1、国家千人计划专家;2、海外高层次人才; 3、鄞州民营企业;4、鄞州创业平台
DBD说:留言于2015-10-26 03:11:23(第23条)
Dr. Jiang,

Thank you so much for everything you did to make the Wellness Center Grand Opening such a success.

Please pass my thanks on to the students. They were all awesome with the Tai Chi demonstration.

Thanks to all of you it was a great success.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅说:留言于2015-10-26 01:27:04(第22条)
由浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅主办的“2015伦敦·浙江省海外高层次人才恳谈会”将于2015年10月31日(周六)14:40-17:30,在伦敦大学玛丽女王学院人民会堂举行(People’s Palace Queen Mary University of London)。浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅、杭州市人力资源和社会保障局、湖州市人力资源和社会保障局以及浙江师范大学、浙江财经大学、宁波大学等单位有关引才负责人将出席伦敦洽谈会并在现场与大家交流研讨科技创新与产业发展最新趋势、研究成果和技术项目合作,人才招聘等。同时也将宣传、推介浙江的经济社会发展情况和留学人员创新创业环境;参会单位并发布2015年引进海外高层次人才、科技项目和外国专家需求信息;也提供给想赴浙江创业、就业和合作的朋友现场交流和对接洽谈的机会。在此,浙江诚邀各位人才报名参加本次恳谈与交流活动。请在10月25日晚11点前在线提交报名表。
时间:2015年10月31日星期六 14:40-17:30
People’s Palace
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road,London E1 4NS(最近地铁站为Mile End或Stepney Green)
特别提醒: 因名额有限,报名从速,以最终英创确认函为准。同时,会后将为来宾提供美味自助中餐。
手机:07815521827 座机:02081236088
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2015-10-25 15:50:01(第21条)
帕特里夏飓风来了 本市市民要有所准备(图)
Fresh & Easy 申请破产 本地连锁店同时关闭(图)
全球聚首热议- 首届绿色制药国际峰会开幕(图)
招录2.7万名公务员 海外留学生可报考
大赛前夕备战忙 – 华跃龙舟队第十次训练记(图频)
lxl说:留言于2015-10-24 02:25:24(第20条)
Thank you so very much for your support. I’m so impressed with your team’s efficiency.
Have a great weekend, LX
yxue说:留言于2015-10-24 01:55:46(第19条)
Your kind support and help is heartfelt and deeply appreciated. I very much look forward to seeing you. My very best to you, Lisa
华美说:留言于2015-10-23 06:32:52(第18条)
China's Millennials: The Want Generation with Eric Fish
Join us on Tuesday, November 3, for an Author Talk with Eric Fish, who will discuss his recently published work, China's Millennials. In the book, Eric Fish, a millennial himself, profiles youth from around China to show how they are navigating the education system, the workplace, divisive social issues, and a resurgence in activism. Based on interviews with scholars, journalists, and hundreds of young Chinese, his engrossing book challenges the idea that today's youth have been pacified by material comforts and nationalism. Following rural Henan students struggling to get into college, a computer prodigy who sparked a nationwide patriotic uproar, and young social activists grappling with authorities, Fish deftly captures youthful struggle, disillusionment, and rebellion in a system that is scrambling to keep them in line-and, increasingly, scrambling to adapt when its youth refuse to conform.
Tuesday, November 3, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Members: $10 | Non-members: $15
Location: China Institute | 100 Washington Street (Enter @ 40 Rector St.)| NY, NY 10006
Contact: Aaron Nicholson 212-744-8181, ext. 138
wpack说:留言于2015-10-23 06:29:38(第17条)
Thank you, Wendy
Chris L.说:留言于2015-10-22 10:52:22(第16条)
Thank you
Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA说:留言于2015-10-22 06:15:22(第15条)
Confucianism in Everyday Life in Contemporary China
Thursday, October 22, 2015
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
243 Royce Hall
The revival of Confucianism in contemporary China has many dimensions, among which the political, the educational, the ritual, and the ethical are the most prominent. In this lecture Anna Sun focuses on the last two, the ritual and the ethical revival of Confucianism in everyday practice. The work is based on extensive field research in Confucius temples, as well as interviews with ordinary people in urban China. The conclusions drawn from this research bear witness to the resilience of Confucianism as a structuring power in the religious, social, and ethical imagination of Chinese society today. Anna Sun, Associate Professor of Sociology and Asian Studies at Kenyon College, Ph.D. in sociology from Princeton University in 2008.

Deviant Writing and Youth Identity: Representation of Dialects with Chinese Characters on the Internet
Thursday, October 22, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
This study examines the dialect writing in Chinese characters on the Internet in contemporary China. Deviating from the standard writing of Chinese, the Internet-savvy youth transcribe their native dialects on an ad hoc basis, which celebrates multiplicity, creativity, individuality and resists uniformity, standardization, and institutionalization. Jin Liu is Associate Professor of Chinese at Georgia Institute of Technology. She received her Ph.D. in East Asian Literature and Culture from Cornell University.

My Dear & Displacement II Dance Performance
Friday, October 23, 2015
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Glorya Kaufman Hall 200
Hsiao-Mei Ho is the artistic director of MeimageDance, She was formerly the Director of Taipei Crossover Dance Company, Rehearsal Director for Cloud Gate 2, and has guest choreographed Mirage and Paper Sky for the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre. This year, she presented Camouflage, a repeat invitation from the National Theater and Concert Hall (NTCH), and toured this work to the Beijing Dance Festival. Cheng-Chieh Yu is the founder/director of Yu Dance Theater. She began her performance career touring with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, then danced and choreographed professionally in NYC from 1989 to 2001. She took on teaching position at UCLA and has since been based out of Los Angeles as a transnational dance artist since 2001.
UCLA Center of Chinese Studies china@international.ucla.edu
神州学人说:留言于2015-10-22 02:18:14(第14条)
为进一步贯彻落实国家留学政策,响应国家对留学人员"发挥作用"的号召,支持更多留学人员回国工作和创业, 神州学人编辑部举办"小规模专家学者午餐座谈会"以及"海外留学人员创业发展求职交流洽谈大会"2015年10月23至24日将在纽约召开。届时,国内近20余家高校及企业等相关用人单位负责人都将参与其中。参会人员包括了正在或者曾在美国、加拿大留学、工作和生活的留学生、华人华侨。专业领域涉及电子信息、生物与制药、资源与环境、光机电一体化、新材料、新能源与高效节能、科技农业、现代服务业、文化创意及其他高新技术领域。我们欢迎任何领域的海外专家学者,留学人员前来与各个企业高校的代表人当面洽谈。
一: "小规模专家学者午餐座谈会"10月23日上午10:00-2:00(欢迎您推荐人选,仅限教授,学术领头人,专利以及项目负责人)地点有待通知
二: "海外留学人员创业发展求职交流洽谈大会"10月24日上午9:00-12:00(8点15至8点45提供交流早餐)纽约大学医学院,NYU Hospital for jointdiseases(2nd ave & 17th St.)Loeb Auditorium
美国办事处:929 231 7588
湖北办事处:17764007988 (负责中国区域合作洽谈)
张江核心园区, 上海商学院, 上海师范大学, 上海电气集团股份有限公司, 上海电气电站工程公司, 上海大学, 上海海事大学, 上海立信会计学院, 上海电力学院, 上海市人社局, 上海市人才服务中心, 东华大学, 中国教育在线, 神州学人编辑部, 陕西师范大学, 重庆邮电大学, 西安电子科技大学, 西南交通大学, 华南理工大学, 重庆市巴川国际高级中学,上海理工大学,南京理工大学
Asian Professional Exchange说:留言于2015-10-22 02:13:25(第13条)
It's our last networking mixer of the year! This fall, we are collecting donations for Operation Christmas Child. Limited tickets available at $5 if you bring a gift filled shoe box with lid! Get your tickets now!
Join APEX Cares and Samaritan's Purse on Operation Christmas Child! We'll be having a shoe box packing party to send to impoverished boys and girls for the holiday season.

Join us on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at the Inter Continental Los Angeles Century City to learn "How to Navigate Toward Your Greatest Potential": http://www.jas-socal.org/event-2017962
美东侨学界国庆迎新晚会说:留言于2015-10-22 01:25:28(第12条)
2015年10月25日 6:00pm-7:30pm
Legend West Village, 82 West 3rd Street, NY NY 10012 Tel:6469186216
2015年10月25日 8:00pm-10:00pm
NYU SkirballCenter for the Performance Arts
566 LaGuardiaPl, New York, NY
重庆巴川国际高级中学校说:留言于2015-10-22 01:17:51(第11条)
Xilin Academy说:留言于2015-10-21 23:57:32(第10条)
Intensive ACT Preparation
The Journey to Success in Elite Colleges
December ACT Test - Saturday Dec 12, 2015
Taking the December ACT?
These courses will focus on the intensive and comprehensive test and simulate test conditions in 6 sessions.
Boost student ACT score in Science, Math, English, Reading and Writing right before the test!
Xilin Test Prep ACT Classes meet on Saturday 1 - 4pm
10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21 and 12/5 at:
145 E. Algonquin Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (Across the street from Mitsuwa; turn onto S. Tonne Dr. from Algonquin Rd.)
Email: CollegePrepSchool@xilin.org
Phone: 847-607-6177
China Institute说:留言于2015-10-21 02:37:24(第9条)
A Master & His Protégé: The Films of Xie Fei and Zheng Dasheng
This four-week screening series is dedicated to the films of master Fourth Generation film director Xie Fei (谢飞) and a director who studied under him, Zheng Dasheng (郑大圣). Screenings will include Xie Fei's widely acclaimed films Black Snow and Woman Sesame Oil Maker and Zheng Dasheng's historical works about his childhood home city Tianjin, Useless Man and Falling City. Each screening will be introduced by a noted
film scholar and will feature a question & answer period at the close.
Nov.12th, 19th; Dec. 3rd, 10th
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Members $8 / Non-Members $10

Saving China's Art: The Heiress, the Diplomat and the 'American Emperor'
The Renwen Society at China Institute and the Confucius Institute for Business at SUNY Global Center jointly present an illustrated lecture on Saturday, Oct. 31 by Margaret Stocker, trustee of the India House Foundation, on a book she is writing: Saving China's Art: The Heiress, the Diplomat and the 'American Emperor.' The heiress, philanthropist and suffragist was Dorothy Payne Whitney Straight, whose fortune flowed from the Standard Oil Company. The diplomat, Willard Straight, collected Indo-Tibetan and Chinese bronzes and wall hangings in Manchuria and Korea while a correspondent for the Associated Press during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5 and then through 1911 under the US State Department's '
Open Door to China' policy. The 'American Emperor' is the title that the 13th
Dalai Lama used to refer to Theodore Roosevelt.
Lecture delivered in English.

We All Live in the Forbidden City - Book Launch Party & Family Festival
Come Celebrate the Launch of Our NEW Books!
Bowls of Happiness & What Was It Like Mr. Emperor? Life in China's Forbidden City!
Bring your loved ones as we make imperial arts-and-crafts, eat Beijing-style food, watch a live shadow puppet show, and so much more!
Saturday, October 24, 2015 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: 100 Washington Street (Enter @ 40 Rector St.) NY, NY 10006
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 121
100 Washington Street, New York, NY 10006 l Tel: 212.744.8181
Marc说:留言于2015-10-21 00:56:59(第8条)
I am a college student in China. Can you provide me some information on doctor degree in clinic psychology at the Unite Stated. I am planing to study for a doctorate in clinic psychology, however, some people think that the institutions in US have discrimination against foreign students who do not speaking English, So the students should be outstanding in order to gain an opportunity. My plan is receive an offer from an university or college within ranking top 100 at US, do you thing it is reasonable? Thank you
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2015-10-21 00:48:15(第7条)
We hope that you will join us for our luncheon program on Thursday, October 29. After market shocks, the Xi visit, and the 5th plenum of the CCP and ahead of elections in Taiwan and the U.S., we gather to examine U.S.-China relations and cross-strait ties. It will also include highlights from our Assignment: China series, the last episodes of which will be released that day. While the program is free and open to all, space is limited and reservations are required. Please click here to RSVP.
What: USC U.S.-China Institute Luncheon
When: noon - 2:30 pm
Where: Grand Hyatt Shanghai 上海金茂君悦大酒店
Jin Mao Tower 金茂大厦
88 Century Avenue, Pudong 浦东新区世纪大道88 号
Shanghai, 200121 上海 200121
Tel/电话:+86 21 5049 1234
Sophie C W说:留言于2015-10-20 08:50:33(第6条)
US documentary film:Diao Yu Island /美国纪录片:钓鱼岛真相

Please forward to your friends who like to know the truth: Historical records of Diao Yu Island

n.ahma@mail.com说:留言于2015-10-20 08:39:37(第5条)
Watch "The End Of The U.S Empire Is Here" On YouTube

Also watch the side videos of above page, on Russia jets bombarding ISIS.
And, China is joining in as well. Looks like a major war is on.
中国武汉人才市场说:留言于2015-10-20 08:37:19(第4条)
电子邮箱: whief@job98.com
China Institute说:留言于2015-10-20 07:17:27(第3条)
We All Live in the Forbidden City - Book Launch Party & Family Festival
Come Celebrate the Launch Our NEW Books!
Bowls of Happiness & What Was It Like Mr. Emperor? Life in China''''s Forbidden City!
Bring your loved ones as we make imperial arts-and-crafts, eat Beijing-style food, watch a live shadow puppet show, and so much more!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
100 Washington Street, NY, NY 10006
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 138

Legeng说:留言于2015-10-18 11:14:01(第2条)
thank you!
Gang Chen说:留言于2015-10-16 22:56:08(第1条)
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I have started my campaign to run for the Mayor of Irvine in 2016 to make Irvine better.
Here is my campaign website that covers my platform, bio, etc.:

I hope you can support my efforts:
1. If you are an US citizen or are a green card holder, please contribute to my campaign (People live outside of Irvine can contribute too):
2. Have all your friends and relatives who are registered voters in Irvine vote for me.
3. If they have not registered to vote yet, please ask them to register and vote (If they are busy working, ask them to register as "PERMANENT vote by mail" voter, i.e., initial on the blank for Item #15 on the hard copy of the voter registration form). They can also register to vote online:

E-mail: info@GangChenUSA.com
WeChat ID: aa_gangchen
Paid for by Gang Chen for Mayor 2016, FPPC# 1379051

Gang Chen, Publisher/Bestselling Author (GreenExamEducation.com)
Architect, LEED AP BD+C, Real Estate Broker (GangChen.ListingBook.com, BRE# 01232392)
Singer/Songwriter (Music.ArchiteG.com)
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