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2011/5/3 18:00:40 | 浏览:17058 | 评论:32

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第12期 創刊第531期 4/27-5/3/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录





Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.12)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [3993]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4518]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4797]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4000]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4026]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4288]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4602]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4955]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4170]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5157]
:阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结
王俭美说:留言于2011-05-11 05:31:24(第30条)
各位亲爱的朋友: 大家好!
历经半年有余,拙作长篇小 说《百万山庄》(26万字)终于在作家出版社得以出版发行,特此报告!
王俭美 2011年5月10日
J.M.I. Univ, INDIA说:留言于2011-05-10 23:07:59(第29条)
Dear colleague,
It gives me a great pleasure in informing you that the Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, has started a journal “JMI International Journal of Mathematical Sciences”.
Please visit the http://www.jmi.ac.in/Fnat/jmiijms.htm journal link.
The journal publishes original research paper in the field of Mathematical Sciences and it is a refereed journal with internationally recognized Editorial Board. It has no paper charges.
I hereby invite you to submit your research paper for possible publication in our journal “JMI International Journal of Mathematical Sciences”.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Mohd. Hasan Shahid
Editor in Chief
JMI International Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, INDIA
麻省理工学院经济与人才论坛说:留言于2011-05-10 23:02:20(第28条)

承办:麻省理工学院经济与人才论坛 (MIT Economics and Talent Forum)
下午6:00 - 10:00, 2011年5月14日
宾馆地点: Salon 3, Marriott Cambridge, MA
宾馆网站: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/boscb-boston-marriott-cambridge/
活动形式: 会议+晚宴+自由问答+社交联谊
报名注册: $40, (价值$80的鸡尾酒会及晚餐)。凭票入场。谢绝非请采访。
购票网站: http://talentforum.org/kunshan_day_2011.htm


MIT Talent Forum: "KunShan Day" Event(May 14th)
Introduction of "KunShan Day" Event

6:00pm - 10:00 pm, May 14, 2011 (Saturday)

Salon 3, Marriott Cambridge

Meeting, Banquet, Q&A, and Networking
Business Casual, Formal preferred
$40, (Over $80 value per ticket)


Promotion of business/entrepreneurship opportunities in KunShan (Jiangsu, China) and
Shanghai suburb area.
Recruitment for advanced positions in KunShan.
Business/entrepreneurship experience shared with Chinese entrepreneurs.
Networking with Chinese and Cambridge high rank government officials, Chinese
entrepreneurs, working professionals, representatives from over 18 business associations,
and representatives from over 12 universities.

Cocktail reception
Speeches by Co-President of MIT ETF, representative of KunShan Delegation, official
of Chinese Consulate (to be confirmed), official of Massachusetts Government (Banquet
being served)
Presentation by KunShan Delegation: the promotion of business/entrepreneurship and
recruitment in Kunshan
Hisense and City of Qingdao说:留言于2011-05-10 22:57:26(第27条)
海信 (Hisense) & 青岛市政府波士顿海外人才洽谈会 , 暨社交联谊会
承办:128华人科技企业协会 (128CUTE,128cute.com)

时间: 6:30 pm-9 pm, 2011年5月24日(周二)
地点: Room E51-345, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
停车: 免费
活动内容:海信 & 青岛市政府代表团宣讲海信,介绍青岛;问答互动;自由交谈
地图(停车场在大楼旁边): http://maps.google.com/maps?

简历投递 : 128cute2000@gmail.com
注:简历投递者可获与代表团单独会面机会, 若想与代表团单独会面,请尽早投递简历,具体职位信息请见以
海信(Hisense)简介 & 高级人才需求明细: http://shenghuonet.com/phpBB2/calendar.php?

周厚健 海信集团董事长
于淑珉 海信集团总裁
林澜 海信集团副总裁
王志浩 海信集团副总裁
王志辉 海信集团人力资源部部长
尹东辉 海信集团人力资源部副部长
黄卫平 海信宽带多媒体公司董事会主席
刘燕明 海信宽带多媒体公司副总经理
陈昱 技术专家
NECINA说:留言于2011-05-10 22:55:21(第26条)
MIT CIO Symposium (May 18th)
Over the last 50 years, IT has been invaluable as a tool for improving enterprise efficiency. Even today, this continues to be an essential role. But as IT evolves to meet future needs, the industry''''s focus must be to enable business and organizational transformation by offering sustainable innovation within and across the enterprise.

As market pace quickens, companies must become more nimble; it is imperative for IT to change from its traditional perception of bottom-line cost management to a new role in top-line value creation. Instead of focusing exclusively on optimizing internal efficiencies, forward-looking information and communication technologies must support the business goal of achieving a competitive edge and long-term profitability.

Stepping out of the mold of a typical technology-centric discussion of the IT industry, the 2011 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium''''s theme will focus on the evolving CIO''''s role and how the CIO can create strategic value for organizations in a digital business world.

for more information, please visit http://www.mitcio.com/agenda.php
Promo code: MITCIONE201125
Cari Shurman说:留言于2011-05-10 22:51:55(第25条)
World Tai Chi Qigong Day was a beautiful experience for me this year. I was back in Miami where I had practiced and taught Tai Chi and Qigong for many years.
We gathered in our usual location at Matheson Hammock Park in the shade of the hardwood trees next to the lake. There was a nice breeze and the energy was wonderful.
After our practice we did the White Crane Stands on One Leg and Flies in a circle, holding hands.
The support we give each other allows us to stay there for a long time.
Imagine if we supported each other in life as we did as flying cranes! I hope you had a chance to enjoy World Tai Chi Day, too.

As we get to the end of the school year with all the activities, commotion, fun and stress, please don’t forget to take time for Tai Chi. It is a gift to you.
You will feel better, calmer, more focused and stronger. Your kids will, too.
As you plan your summer, remember the TAI CHI FOR KIDS program at Kripalu. July 15-17.
It is a wonderful time to “get away” for a weekend of peace, fun, focus and strength. There are lots of wonderful activities there for adults, too.
Check out the web site to see all the programs. www.kripalu.org
And then look at the rest of the calendar. I hope you will come.
I will be back in NYC the first week of June, if any of you would like to plan something around Tai Chi.
If not, I wish you a wonderful summer and hope that Tai Chi will be part of it, even just a little bit for focus, fun, fitness and self-esteem.

Best wishes
Cari Shurman
cashfa dai说:留言于2011-05-10 06:56:22(第24条)


異國他鄉的奮鬥,獨自在外的生活,很多單身男女在美國一直找不到心目中合適的佳偶。為了幫助不同年齡的未婚人士增加社交的機會,非牟利的白領俱樂部特別設立非牟利的「單身男女牽手專線」:650-504-5089,E-mail: wcc.dai@gmail.com。不收會員費,歡迎各界、各族裔的單身人士參加。



費用:自付$10 (這是每位$30的晚餐,其中牽手專線為每位出席者拉來贊助$20)
說明:1. 收到welcome回覆通知的人才能參加。


Benjamin Zhu说:留言于2011-05-09 23:57:39(第23条)




Hi, Mr. Zhu:

It is nice to hear from you. Thank you sincerely for your greeting. Welcome to the Scholars-Net.

Please stay in touch, together, we will make a lot of great things happen.

All the best regards and wishes

Your Net
天普少林寺说:留言于2011-05-09 02:11:17(第22条)


中台禪寺说:留言于2011-05-09 02:06:23(第21条)
普德精舍禪修課程廣受休士頓民眾喜愛。禪修班五月三日起陸續開課,中文初/中級班–週五7:00 pm–9:00 pm,5月 6日開課;中文研經班–週二7:30 pm–9:30 pm,5月3日開課;中文初/中級日間班–週四10:00 am–noon,5月5日開課。
英文初級班 (1)–週三7:30 pm - 9:30 pm,5月4日開課;
英文初級班 (2)– 週六 10:00 am – noon,5月7日開課;英文中級班–週六 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm,5月7日開課;英文研經班 –週四7:30 pm - 9:30 pm,5月5日開課;英文兒童暨青少年禪修班–週五 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm,5月6日開課;中文語文班 (初級&中級)–週六 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm,5月7日開課;太極班–週六下午 3:30 - 5:00,5月7日開課;
半日禪 - 每月第一個周日上午 9 時至12時;每月法會–每月最後周日上午9:30 時 至 12時。所有課程均免費,有意修習禪修者請至該精舍或電話報名:(281) 568-1568。
PAROS说:留言于2011-05-08 22:56:07(第20条)


Xilin Chinese Academy说:留言于2011-05-08 22:47:58(第19条)
Xilin Chinese Academy 2011 Summer School (http://xilin.org)
Summer program starts on 6/1 for Wed, 6/4 for Saturday and ends on 7/27 for Wed, 7/30 for Saturday (Total 8 Weeks). No school on 6/29 Wed, and 7/2 Sat.

1 Chinese Enhancement (G1-G3) Ping Xia 10:00-11:50
2 Han Yu Pin Yi Ping Xia 12:10-2:00

44 Math Made Easy (G3 - G5) Shiying Ning 9:00-9:50
45 Trigonometry (G9-G10) Shiying Ning 10:00-11:50
46 AMC 10,AMC 12,AIME (G9 and above) Shiying Ning 12:10-2:00
47 Geometry (G7-G9) Shiying Ning 2:10-4:00
48 Mathcount (G6-G8) Shiying Ning 4:10-6:00

60 Go(Weiqi)/Chess (All Ages) Brandon Gress 9:00-9:50
62 English(Reading/Writing) G3-G5 Brandon Gress 10:00-11:50
64 SAT Vocabulary Brandon Gress 12:10-2:00
66 SAT/ACT English Reading/Writing Brandon Gress 2:10-4:00
68 ACT Scientific Reasoning/Analyzing Brandon Gress 4:10-6:00

70 Drawing Carmen Yiu 12:10-2:00

80 Dancing (Children) Qiang Yang 2:10-3:00
82 Ballet (Adult 2 hrs) Qiang Yang 7:30-9:20pm (Wednesday)
84 Dancing (Adult 2 hrs) Qiang Yang 9:00-10:50am
86 Ballet (Adult 1 hrs) Qiang Yang 11:00-11:50am

For class detail, please log onto http://xilin.org and check
under "2011 Xilin Summer Class Details"

Happy Mother's Day!

Xilin Asian Community
1163 E. Ogden Ave.
Naperville, IL 60563
Xun-zhang SHEN说:留言于2011-05-08 13:48:47(第18条)

Xun-zhang SHEN
Director, Professor
Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science
Xilin 2011 Lantern Festival说:留言于2011-05-07 23:18:41(第17条)
Xilin 2011 Lantern Festival DVD is available now!

On April 17th, 2011, Xilin hosted yet another successful Lantern Festival! The event was over for about three weeks, but the excitement and enjoyment of the event is still lingering in the air. People still talks passionately about the beautiful dances, the wonderful stage settings, and the overall outcomes. To add to this excitement and to memorize the event, the DVD program of 2011 Lantern Festival Performance is now available at Xilin.

Please click the link below for a glimpse of the program highlights and to share the passion with us: 2011 Lantern Festival Performance Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhIjLRtwrSU

Carla Zhang
630-355-4322 Ext. 104
Linda Chiang说:留言于2011-05-07 14:46:27(第16条)
Thank you. Hope all is well for you.

Dong Shiqi说:留言于2011-05-07 14:42:24(第15条)

claremont wang说:留言于2011-05-07 14:30:40(第14条)
Thank you a lot.
Stay in touch.
徐小宁 FW说:留言于2011-05-06 09:40:47(第13条)

彼岸 - 三藩不老情
彼岸 - 纽约日记
彼岸 告别故土1
彼岸 告别故土2
彼岸 告别故土3
彼岸 告别故土4
彼岸 告别故土5
彼岸 告别故土6
彼岸 四海学踪1
Education Association for China Tomorrow (EACT)说:留言于2011-05-06 06:18:57(第12条)
Dear Everybody,

This is Amanda Ding from Education Association for China Tomorrow (EACT). On behalf of EACT, I am very excited to let you know that there will be an amazing event:

2011 US-CHINA International Youth Festival
July 12th~August 8th, China
In response to the US presidential “100,000 Strong” Initiative
Full supports gained from the Chinese Embassy in the US
Generous grants to sponsor 100 outstanding US youth representatives
Official event to celebrate the International Year of Youth of the UN

Main missions:
 Gathering the Voice of Global Elite Youth
 Promoting People-to-People Exchanges
 Making Impacts on Global Development

We are targeting at:
 Outstanding young people (16~30) from all over the world;
 Particularly US youth (16~26), enrolled college or high school students are preferable;
 We will select 100 US Grantees to provide GRANTS!
Check more about selection criteria and application here!

What to expect:
 3-Day Global Development Youth Summit at BEIJING (July 12~15);
 3-Week Volunteer Action Plan (for 100 Grantees, July 16~Aug. 8);
 Various other Youth Programs (Optional to all, after the summit);
 Experience compiled into a Theses Collection submitted to the UN, World Bank, and Governmental Agencies.
Check more about the agenda and fees here!

Other participations:
 Faculty members from universities and senior officers from organizations are more than welcome to join the event as guest speakers or panelists or workshop commenters.
 We are also hiring on-campus representatives for this event. Please check the position details here.
Contact information:
Website: www.eactus.com;
Office phone no.: 240-395-1376;
Email: Amanda.ding@eactus.com.

Amanda Ding
Education Association for China Tomorrow
10411 Motor City Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (240) 395-1376, Fax: (240) 395-2347
Email: amanda.ding@eactus.com
School Response Conference说:留言于2011-05-06 06:16:33(第11条)
Dear Colleague,

I am writing to find out if you or anyone from you organization would be interested to attend our upcoming School Response Conference taking place at Hacienda Hotel in Los Angeles, California on May 20, 2011. This conference highlight the school safety security issues in the aspect of prevention, protection, response, and recovery. Please see attached updated conference information.

For more information please visit oor conference website www.src.eve-ex.com/california/ or call us at 1-202-465-7104

Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


Jennifer Diaz
Events & Exhibitions
Tel: 1-202-465-7104
Fax: 1-425.968.7400
Email: Website: www.eve-ex.com
wcc.dai说:留言于2011-05-06 05:59:46(第10条)

第5届生态文明国际论坛大会说:留言于2011-05-06 05:52:13(第9条)
We just finished a conference on ecological civilization.
I am wondering if you would like to put this conference report on your web.
Thanks in advance.
All the best
David Pan说:留言于2011-05-06 05:50:51(第8条)

David W. Pan, Ph.D., J.D., PD.B.
Associate Professor
College of Business and Technology
Northeastern State University
周小菁说:留言于2011-05-06 01:23:55(第7条)
Thank you! This is a wonderful webside.
中華藝術學會百人書畫展说:留言于2011-05-05 08:11:10(第6条)

展出的日期5月14日至5月22日,開放的時間為每天上午10點到下午5點,開幕及剪綵儀式將在5月14日的下午1點30分舉行;展出的地點是1588 Corporate Ctr. Dr.Monterey Pk, CA 91754。有關詳情可洽(Tel: (714) 553-7470或 (Tel: (626) 374-9285。

Scholarship Coordinator说:留言于2011-05-05 04:57:53(第5条)
Below are five scholarships that have recently been added to the database. All 5 scholarships must be submitted between May and July.
1. Deadline MAY 31st: Literary Essay Scholarship
Any member of the U.S. or Canadian high school classes of 2011 or 2012 including home schoolers.
WEBSITE: http://www.scholarshipguidance.com/scholarship_literary_essay_scholarship_competition_8926.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=zjiang%40barstow.edu&utm_campaign=20110501_literaryessay

2. Deadline JULY 31, 2011: Vancouver Restaurant Scholarship
To be eligible for this scholarship you must be between the ages of 15-21 and be a full time student in 2011 in either High School or College/University.
WEBSITE: http://www.scholarshipguidance.com/scholarship_vancouver_restaurant_scholarship_8928.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=zjiang%40barstow.edu&utm_campaign=20110501_vancouverrestaurant

3. Deadline JUNE 1, 2011: 2011 Scholarship Program
In order to be eligible for the scholarship you must be under 21 years of age and answer an essay question on the sponsors website.
WEBSITE: http://www.scholarshipguidance.com/scholarship_2011_scholarship_program_8927.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=zjiang%40barstow.edu&utm_campaign=20110501_2011scholarshipprogram

4. Deadline JUNE 30, 2011: BBG Communications Scholarship
The BBG Communications scholarship is designed for students between the ages of 16 and 21 who are currently in or will be attending an institution of higher education in the Fall of 2011.
WEBSITE: http://www.scholarshipguidance.com/scholarship_bbg_communications_scholarship_8925.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=zjiang%40barstow.edu&utm_campaign=20110501_bbgcommunications

5. Deadline JUNE 1, 2011: Fraser Institute Student Scholarship
Submissions will be considered from secondary and post-secondary (undergraduate and graduate) students in all disciplines.
WEBSITE: http://www.scholarshipguidance.com/scholarship_fraser_institute_scholarship_essay_contest_8929.php?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=zjiang%40barstow.edu&utm_campaign=20110501_fraserinstitute
Jim Ye说:留言于2011-05-05 03:24:10(第4条)

• 2011大家都用“给力”代替了“加油”。这是因为,“加油”越来越贵,而“给力”不用花钱!
• 因93号汽油上涨至7元一升,车流量虽有下降,但行人流量增加太猛,为此,交管局特通知如下:市城区从今日起出行的路人限行:单眼皮单日出行;双眼皮双日出行;一单一双在夜间出行,对戴墨镜出行者按故意遮挡号牌处理;对盲人出行者按无号牌处理;对割双眼皮的出行者按套牌处理,请互相转告!
• 建议年青人要好好学习《毛选》:恋爱中读《反对自由主义》;初婚者读《实践论》;吵架时读《矛盾论》;经常吵架的读《论持久战》;有的孩子读《我们的经济政策》;爱人有外遇的读《论联合政府》;男方回心转意的读《评战犯求和》并读《丢掉幻想,准备斗争》。
• 读《毛选》还可调节日常生活:天气炎热时可读《沁园春-雪》;邻里关系不和时可读《论十大关系》;拆迁遇到麻烦时可读《愚公移山》;挣了许多钱后要读《为人民服务》去做慈善;挣不到钱时要读《一不怕苦,二不怕死》!总之,开卷有益……
Hua Gong说:留言于2011-05-05 01:51:00(第3条)
2011 SABPA Biopharma Conference

Dear SABPA friends,

Can you please post the 2011 SABPA biopharma conference on your website and forward it to colleagues in your organization? As you know, this is an important annual SABPA event. We will do our best to make it as success as the past conference. We need your help to ensure good attendcy.

As a token of appreciation, SABPA would like to offer $10 gift card to all the sponsors who email back to us to confirm posting of this event in their websites. Please let us know whether you prefer a card for Strabacus or Ranch99 or something else.

Thank you for your continuous support for SABPA!

SABPA External Relations Committee
hong li说:留言于2011-05-05 01:40:42(第2条)
American Red Cross - High Desert Chapter说:留言于2011-05-04 05:24:01(第1条)
OK, thanks.

Trish Miller
Executive Assistant
American Red Cross
High Desert Chapter
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