Introducing Enabling Services: Enabling More Efficient CCC Technology Implementations
Dear Colleague, Many of our campuses are involved in exploring and deploying technology solutions available through the California Community Colleges Technology Center. If you and/or your colleagues are directly involved in these projects, we want you to know that the way we communicate with your campus is about to change.
We at the Tech Center want to ensure that implementation of system technology projects on your campus runs smoothly -- all the way from successful deployment to adoption of solutions that benefit you and your students. So the Tech Center is making changes to improve our college-centric approach to supporting systemwide technology on your campus.
Starting today, the following changes will occur: •The Tech Center has created a new Enabling Services team to streamline communication, minimize the effort to implement a desired solution, and make each deployment experience more efficient between your organization and ours. •The Tech Center will establish a unique college relationship manager for your campus. •This person will be a single point of contact to coordinate all of your interactions with the Tech Center, and help you navigate all of the offerings, demos, projects, and services you receive from us.
You will no longer have to coordinate with assorted Tech Center project management, development, and implementation personnel, in addition to various vendors and consultants. The relationship manager will be a single point of contact to help streamline interaction with the Tech Center. In the next few weeks, your college relationship manager will contact you to fill you in on these changes and how we can help you going forward. Questions about this change may be directed to Andy Newman in Enabling Services at anewman@ccctechcenter.org. Thank you.
CCC Technology Center listadmin@ccctechcenter.org 3536 Butte Campus Dr., Oroville, CA 95965 |