Season’s greetings when our earth planet starts its another long-count calendar of the Mayans that was based upon the 26,000 year precession of Earth''''s axial wobble in Milky way galaxy, i.e. December 21, 2012 is the end of a 5125-year-long cycle, and the start of another according to the Mayans who were among the greatest astronomers and mathematicians to have lived. They divided the 26,000 year precessional cycle into 5 Ages of about 5,125 years each. We have learned a lot of new insights about the world and our humanity through our cross-culture experience during the past two years. Many worthy new perspectives have been developed along with the enrichment of our knowledge and experience too. The United airline should be happy to see our continued loyalty as premier gold members. Lulia is adding French as her another language in addition to her British accent from her teacher, Chinese, and her native American English. She also could manage to say a few words in Arabic too. She seems interested in bio-medical fields in which she wants to explore her professional future. Alan and David have developed numerous conceptual perspectives that hopefully offer answers to numerous pending myths in life and business alike. Our phone remains the same as 1-1918-250-9684 (VOIP +8 hours by U.S. CST) in the USA, or toll-free international from China: 950-4030-5511 (VOIP -5 hours by Beijing Time). Once again, season’s greetings and happy new year from the Pans. |