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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2012/1/13 17:34:23 | 浏览:28876 | 评论:55

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第1期 創刊第559期 1/1-1/12/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录





Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.1)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4072]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4617]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4893]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4091]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4125]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4385]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4697]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5049]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4261]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5243]
:天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5)
郑编辑说:留言于2015-03-10 15:54:34(第50条)
《科技传播》杂志是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国科技新闻学会主办(国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-6708;国内统一刊号:CN11-5820/N)。《科技传播》坚持研究性、权威性、指导性和实用性,注重文章的科学性和学术价值。从科技传播政策、科技传播实践、科技传播技术手段的发展等多个层面关注科技转播领域。本刊栏目主要有:本期关注、直击、视角、趣闻、新闻及传播研究、媒介管理、新媒体、应用研究、科学普及、探索与争鸣等。
2、正文: 内容须结构完整、思路清晰、观点鲜明、角度客观、表述准确(切勿涉及单位机密或其他相关信息);正文须包括引言、正文与结论;另文中数字一律用阿拉伯数字表示;文中所附表格为三线表、图片格式均为jpg,公式必须准确无误。
3、参考文献: 采用顺序编码制。引文采用序号标注,参考文献表按引文的序号排序。
4、作者简介: 作者简介内容包括:姓名,职称,工作单位,研究方向等。
宗编辑说:留言于2014-08-20 16:23:47(第49条)
《科技传播》杂志是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国科技新闻学会主办(国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-6708;国内统一刊号:CN11-5820/N)。《科技传播》坚持研究性、权威性、指导性和实用性,注重文章的科学性和学术价值。从科技传播政策、科技传播实践、科技传播技术手段的发展等多个层面关注科技转播领域。本刊栏目主要有:本期关注、直击、视角、专栏、趣闻、科技新闻及理论研究、媒介管理与文化产业、新媒体信息技术、科学普及与传播等。本刊为半月刊,每月5日和20日出版,大16开,每期定价18元,全年征订432元,订阅请与杂志社联系。常年征集科技新闻及理论研究、媒介管理与文化产业、新媒体信息技术、科学普及与传播等相关科技文章,欢迎您向我刊投稿。

郑编辑说:留言于2014-06-19 15:30:18(第48条)
《卷宗》杂志,主管单位:四川省科技厅;主办单位:四川省科学技术信息研究所,四川省兴川战略促进中心。国际刊号:ISSN 1005-4669,国内刊号:CN 51-1737/G0。杂志刊登范围涉及经济金融、工程建筑、经营管理、理论创新、财会审计、教育教学、科学技术、行业创新等各类稿件。随着社会各行业的不断发展和进步,作为媒介的我们将目光开始投向更多领域,关注更多行业的发展。为此开辟各行业专栏,搭建一个“百家争鸣”的平台,充分展示各行业领域中的新发展,新思想,新观念,新技术,更好的推动各个行业领域的发展与进步。
用稿范围:本刊稿源来自全国各高等院校,相关专业研究机构以及国内大型文化单位、各类学校、科技研发企业设置的专业研究所。可以发表 :文化建设、社会发展、财会审计、历史艺术、影视传媒、计算机技术,通信技术类、电子技术类、电气控制类、电子商务类、电算化类、多媒体教学类、科技教育、基础科学、建筑工程、档案及科技管理、人事管理、经济管理及 市场分析等文章。
apipe说:留言于2012-01-29 03:59:25(第47条)
Many thanks....and Happy New Year!

Andrew Pipe, CM, MD, LLD(Hon), DSc(Hon)
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4W7, Canada
Jenny Chen说:留言于2012-01-26 02:10:05(第46条)
Hi! Professor Jiang & your team,
Thank you very much for sending me your news letter and share so many useful info with us! I am happy to receive from you continual!
Happy new Year of dragon!

Dialogic Research Inc.
nancywu说:留言于2012-01-26 02:05:55(第45条)
Happy new year!

mshao说:留言于2012-01-25 02:59:06(第44条)
Thank you for running this fascinating network and organizing all the activities. Hope to see you in future events.

Wenshan Jia, Ph. D.说:留言于2012-01-22 11:20:32(第43条)
Happy Chinese New Year!

You are invited to attend our upcoming inaugural Asian Studies Distinguished Speakers Series at Chapman University Orange County on Feb 9 Thursday.

Wenshan Jia, Ph. D., Professor
Chapman University
(714) 997-6725 (o)
Detroit Chinese Business Association (DCBA)说:留言于2012-01-22 10:59:54(第42条)
Dear Friends,

On behalf of our 2300 members of the Detroit Chinese Business Association (DCBA), I cordially invite you to join us again for our annual Chinese New Year Banquet. This event will be held on Friday, February 3rd 2012 at The Henry Hotel at Dearborn (300 Town Center Drive, Dearborn, MI 48126).

In 2011, DCBA has helped many local businesses to launch China initiatives and also helped several big Chinese auto companies to set up their subsidiaries here in Michigan. We believe increasing global trade will help our job creation goals in the State of Michigan. This banquet provides an excellent opportunity for local businesses to share their knowledge and experiences in doing business with Asia with one another. It is a favorite of many national and regional business leaders and government officials.

We appreciate your ongoing support, and hope that you help us continue to bring together businesses from both Michigan and China, while gaining a stronger understanding of each culture. I sincerely hope you can join us for this event.

Please see http://www.dcba.com/bizbanquet2012 for the registration information.

Best Regards,

Joe Miao
Detroit Chinese Business Association (DCBA)
Yutao He说:留言于2012-01-22 10:48:32(第41条)
Many thanks! Hope all goes well.
Happy Chinese New Year! --Yutao
Michael Zhang说:留言于2012-01-22 10:37:27(第40条)
北美視頻 海外華語視頻第一門戶
lirong bao说:留言于2012-01-21 13:34:45(第39条)
Thank you for the notice.
南加州华人环保协会说:留言于2012-01-21 06:44:56(第38条)

5) 计划于4月底组织相关会员前往台湾和中国大陆参加研讨会等活动,与两岸环保专家交流。



童卫星 博士
Becky Sun说:留言于2012-01-21 04:41:58(第37条)
龍年將至,位於舊金山的ItsyBitsyStories(易趣多媒體學堂)特別給2歲以上的兒童準備了一套精彩的賀歲軟件“123 Calling”,繪聲繪色地把廣為流傳的中國十二生肖的傳說以有聲3D動畫互動軟件的形式娓娓道來。這套軟件是為iPad開發的同年齡段互動故事書系列的最新版讀物,圖文並茂,寓教於樂,通過觸屏iPad與故事互動而推動故事情節的發展。小朋友在饒有興趣聽故事之餘還可以學習用中英文數數和認識時鐘。

中國十二生肖的故事講述了玉帝為了給生肖們排次序而召開動物賽跑大會的傳說。小朋友可以在軟件上認識懶洋洋的貓,機靈的鼠,好衝動的馬,以及糊塗的公雞,並與其進行互動;同時還可以跟著鐘錶、月亮和太陽學數數。或者,坐下來靜聽這個有趣的動物賽跑故事。點擊YouTube 觀看預告片,或者點擊iPad App on iTunes Store下載軟件。

ItsyBitsyStories是一家總部設在北加州奧克蘭市的新成立的教育文娛創新公司,運用最新的3D動畫互動軟件、社交媒體等平台為2至9歲的小朋友提供學習軟件。ItsyBitsyStories的宗旨是向新生代傳承傳統文化的精髓,並經由最前沿的技術手段傳播;這也給傳統文化賦予了新的含義。公司近期計劃包括推出該軟件的iPhone版本,並在ItsyBitsyStories的Facebook網頁 进行幸運fans抽獎活動,參加者有機會贏得iPad。

Becky Sun
南加州华人社团联合会说:留言于2012-01-21 04:25:29(第36条)
Her is nancy from 南加州华人社团联合会,please let me know when, space and rate, Thanks!

Thanks sincerely for greeting
Happly New Year!

Asian American Professional Association说:留言于2012-01-21 04:04:15(第35条)
Asian American Professional Association Announces the 2012 Mentoring Program: Introduction Session

Join AAPA current mentees, alumni and friends of AAPA at the introduction session on January 30, 2012. Meet your mentors and network with other professionals. Enjoy a traditional asian dinner and keynote speaker with John Kobara

"Adopting the Mentoring Lifestyle" - Featuring: John Kobara, Executive VP/COO, California Community Foundation

In 2009, John was appointed Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer for the California Community Foundation (CCF). He is responsible for all of the development, marketing, administrative, grantmaking, civic engagement, and donor relations functions for the 48th largest foundation in the nation. John has been involved in education, social justice, and philanthropy for most of his life. He started out working in maximum security institutions as a counselor for juvenile felons. He led the largest student run community service program in the nation. John has held leadership positions at a wide variety of regional, national, and international non-profit organizations in the arts, education, and philanthropy. John currently serves on the boards of the Japanese American National Museum and Walden University.

John has given hundreds of workshops and presentations for Fortune 500 corporations, universities, professional associations, non-profits, and community organizations all over the world. He speaks on career and life development, pursuit of passion, mentoring and networking. He posts his ideas, thoughts and recommendations about Adopting the Mentoring and Networking Lifestyle on his blog @ johnkobara.com. For nearly 10 years, John hosted and produced Asian Understanding, a weekly live radio program on KPCC.

Monday, January 30, 2012
5:30-6:30 p.m. Registration, Dinner & Networking
6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Keynote & Mentoring Circles

Edison General Office Employee Lounge, 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, Ca 91770 (Visitor Parking is available)
Attendance: Complimentary Session - Pre-registration is required for security reasons. Please forward to all friends and AAPA alumni who you think might not have
seen the invite! The more the merrier!Guests are welcome, please simply indicate their name on your RSVP to daphne.ng@sce.com or visit us at www.AAPAmentoring.com. We are looking for volunteers to help on 1/30. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested to help out.

Daphne Ng
CSBU Communications
Southern California Edison
8631 Rush Street, Rosemead, CA 91770
Tel.: (626)302-1885 Fax: (626)302-3773
Executive Director, Asian American Professional Association
President, Edison Chinese Connection
欢迎国务院侨办副主任任启亮说:留言于2012-01-21 03:47:42(第34条)
地址:145 N Atlantic Blvd., Suite 201-203, Monterey Park, CA 91754
电话:626-308-2128; 626-354-8848; 626-458-7666

佛光山西來寺说:留言于2012-01-20 10:55:32(第33条)
住持慧濟法師表示,2012歲次壬辰,生肖屬「龍」。「龍」在中國社會中,象徵尊貴、吉祥、莊嚴,所以中國人都稱自己是龍的傳人。佛光山開山宗長星雲大師今年送給大家的祝福語為「龍天護佑」,大師勉勵大眾,做佛教的義工擁護佛法、護持道場。每個人都要做「龍天」,不能只想護佑自己而已,還要護佑道場、家庭和朋友,乃至所有眾生都要護佑。為紓解初一來山人潮停車問題,西來寺特別於距離寺院3分鐘車程的:15444 Regalada St., Hacienda Hts., CA 91745. (Hacienda Blvd. & La Subida Dr.) 商借臨時停車場,也從上午八點至下午五點準備交通車免費接送。有關活動詳情請洽(626)961-9697。
Consul for Science and Technology说:留言于2012-01-20 07:32:39(第32条)
Dear Friends,

Mr. Mao Zhongying, Counselor for S&T office, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in NY, will end the tenure and leave for China on February 2012 for a new positon. Incoming Counselor Ye Dongbai, will be new Counselor for S&T office, replacing Mr. Mao Zhongying. Our Consulate General would like to hold a farewell and welcome reception, which would be held from 18:00 to 20:00, 21st February 2012.

That would be our pleasure if you can join us to this event. Pls let me know before 30th January. Thank you so much.


Xinghua Zhu
Consul for Science and Technology
Consulate General of the PR.China in New York
520 12th Ave. New York, NY 10036
Tel:212-244-9392 Ext.1507

James说:留言于2012-01-20 02:54:08(第31条)
Thanks a lot
鳳凰城黃仕蔚( MANNY WONG )追悼會说:留言于2012-01-20 02:52:56(第30条)
鳳凰城侨领黃仕蔚( MANNY WONG )先生不幸于鳳凰城与世长辞,终年73岁。他的追悼會1月14日(星期六)在天庇基督教会举行,这名在菲律賓土生土长的华侨子弟,一生勤劳致富、为僑界的公益事业,倾注了一生心血。僑界代表鄺添權、徐強、方惠賢、鄧朝驹、黄仕钧、余文劲等、對黃仕蔚先生给予极高评价,他們表示,黃先生虽然不在美國出生,却怀着一颗热诚的美國心、故乡情,他每每幫助僑胞的壮举善行、及其勤俭谦虚的高风亮节,将永远为亞利桑那州華人華僑所敬仰。

    黃仕蔚先生祖籍广东省台山市,他以克苦耐劳、百折不挠的创业精神,創辦了亞利桑那州第一家中文報紙(亞利桑那華報),第一家中英文報紙、並主持了唯一的一家華語廣播電台,他先後擔任過中國周、黃氏宗親會、餐馆会、僑聯會等要职。他为发展华人社区、争取华人权益作出了重大的贡献。 他精通多國語言,熱心為僑胞服務,惠人無數。他的去世是亞利桑那州新聞界的一大損失。
Yousuo Zou说:留言于2012-01-20 01:13:09(第29条)
Thanks for the greetings. We also wish you all a joyful lunar New Year of Dragon! Hope the NET can organize more effective activities collectively in China in 2012.
I already returned from Beijing to start my new semester teaching and research.

Happy Lunar New Year!

University of Guam
Jiannan Xiang说:留言于2012-01-20 01:06:14(第28条)
Hope everyone has a great Chinese New Year! Thanks

NECINA说:留言于2012-01-20 01:02:30(第27条)
2012 Tech Conference -- High-Tech Adventures in China

• Time: 9:00 am - 1:00pm, January 21st, 2012
• Venue: Radisson Hotel Chelmsford, 10 Independence Drive, Chelmsford MA 01824 Tel: (978) 256-0800
• Cost: Free to NECINA members and VIP guests, $15 non-members
• Online Registration: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=226421

In the past decade, the worldwide IT community has witnessed the tremendous growth rate and incredible opportunities in the China IT industry. The success stories of the China IT companies are continuing to inspire generations of IT professionals around the world, especially those who have their culture and background deeply rooted in China.
In this NECINA conference, we focus on providing first-hand perspectives of planning, launching and scaling high-tech startups in China. The topics of discussion will include but are not limited to the following:
• How does the IT industry in China compare to that in US, in terms of innovation focuses, business models, and financing options?
• What are the unique advantages of starting a company in China?
• What are the resources available from the Chinese public and private sectors that can be leveraged by IT start-ups in China?
In the talk sessions, we invite experienced entrepreneurs with knowledge in both US and China IT industry to share their past war stories as well as future outlooks. In the panel discussion, the audience will be able to engage with the speakers and discuss various aspects of China IT. This conference also provides excellent networking opportunities for the speakers and the audience to develop and extend business relationship, as well as pursuing career opportunities in China.

Date and time: January 21, 2012, 9am - noon
9:00 - 9:10Opening remark
9:10 - 9:45"Trends and Best Practices in VC-based China Start-ups," Xiaojun Li, Partner of IDG China
9:45 - 10:20"Running a start-up in China," Jun Chang, Founder/CEO of Eventdove
10:20 - 10:55"Riding the Waves of Globalization: The Evolution of China''s IT Service Industry," Qiang Peng, EVP, GADS Business Group of iSoftStone
10:55 - 11:15 Break and networking
11:15 - 11:55Panel discussion
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch and networking

Talk #1: Trends and Best Practices in VC-based China Start-ups - by Xiaojun Li

Talk #2: Running a start-up in China - by Dr. Jun Chang

Talk #3: Riding the Waves of Globalization: The Evolution of China''s IT Service Industry - by Qiang Peng

Additional panelist - Ruixi Yun (www.dopool.com)

Event Contact
Pei Qi pei.qi@necina.org
Hongmin Fan hongmin.fan@necina.org
Mingsheng Hong mingsheng.ho ng@necina.org
yangjie cheng说:留言于2012-01-19 10:30:45(第26条)
Good design from the new website!
Thanks for sharing!
China CEO Association说:留言于2012-01-19 09:41:29(第25条)
Dear all,
Happy Chinese New Year to all and hope we will have great 2012! You are cordially invited to join the US-China CEO Association networking and reception event on Jan. 25th 2012 at 6:00pm at the Battery Park City waterfront restaurant, overlooks status of Liberty and Hudson River to celebrate Chinese New Year. We will invite Chinese public company CEOs and CFOs, public company rep, investors, Wall Street professionals including PE firm, IR firm, PR firm, law firm and accounting firm etc. to join us.
We are going to discuss how at 2012 Chinese public companies survive in the credibility crisis that we are facing on the Wall Street and economic crisis environment in US, find a way to succeed and grow for the Chinese public companies. We are going to exchange idea and advices, protect our rights.
Also we would like to discuss RMB PE structure, if you like to corporate with Chinese PE firm or local government to setup a RMB PE fund, please join us and there are many Chinese PE firm is looking for partner and management team from USA. It will be good opportunity.
When: Jan. 25th 2012 6:00pm – 9:00pm Est.
Where: Kaijou Japanese restaurant, 21 South End Ave, Battery Park City, NY 10280 (Behind World Financial Center)
US-China CEO Association contact: 917-512-5181
Who: Chinese public companies, law firm, auditing firm, financial advisor firm, PE firm, IR and PR firm etc related business or investors.

Seats are limited 40 and registration is required to attend. RSVP: Please send email to ceo@uschinaceo.org or fax to 212-945-4688.
Or call US-China CEO Association contact: 917-512-5181
With the following information: Name, company name, title, email, phone number.
Cost: $40 per person to cover dinner cost, include: Food and Drink. Please pay to restaurant directly.
US-China CEO Association (www.uschinaceo.org )
Chinese Public Company Advisory Committee of US-China CEO Association
Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Professionals Association (ReturnChina) (www.returnchina.org)
American United Chamber of Commerce
Battery Park Realty
Sponsors by:
United Airline
Kaijou Japanese Cuisine
Golden Bridge Education Inc. (www.goldenbridgeeducation.com )

James Gao
Founder of US-China CEO Association

一. 活动背景
目前,中国企业在美国股市正迎来空前的信任危机,美国证监会列出了170多个借壳上市的黑名单,其中大多数是中国企业。仅2011年上半年,已经有18家中国公司被纳斯达克或纽约证券交易所停牌,4家企业被勒令退市,20多家遭受股东集团诉讼,大部分中国公司股票股价低迷。上半年在美国上市的一批中国互联网企业纷纷跌破发行价。本打算7月美国上市的讯雷和盛大文学因投资者反应不佳紧急叫停上市。中国概念股在华尔街遭遇“寒冬季”。 如何应对?以在凛凛寒冬中生存,发展和成功!2000年起近十年的反向并购大辉煌,造就了近400多家OTCBB上市的中国公司。2010年11月,大连绿诺揭开了反向并购大恐慌的序幕。目前在OTCBB上的中国公司,融资困难,股价很低,无法利用资本市场的优势。该类公司可考虑升级纳斯达克新设的BX创业板,纳斯达克主板以及纽交所美国交易所。那么要求和具体如何操作?由中美上市总裁协会及上市公司维权委员会主办的“中国公司在华尔街信任危机中生存和致胜之道交流会及金融人士中秋赏月活动”针对公司的不同情形,提出五大生存和致胜之道,诚邀在美国上市的中国企业的高级管理人员和资本市场参与者齐聚一堂,共商大计,协助中国公司度过华尔街信任寒冬,走向繁荣成功!

同时我们一起在这危机情况下,共同探讨如何发挥我们在每一位的优势,参与中美之间的商业金融活动,也一起在哈德逊河边美丽的KAIJOU 餐馆里赏月和与金融业内人士交流,探索商业机会。

二. 活动安排
地点:Kaijou Japanese restaurant, 21 South End Ave. Battery Park, NY 10280
Phone: 212-786-9888/917-512-5181 纽约下城炮台公园市
必须报名:请电邮您的姓名,公司名字,职位,电邮和电话到 ceo@uschinaceo.org。

四. 主办协办单位
中美上市公司总裁协会 (www.uschinaceo.org )
美国金桥教育(www.goldenbridgeeducation.com )
xiang说:留言于2012-01-19 07:39:46(第24条)
happy new year and please keep in touch.
Have a best dragon year!
Wang Lou说:留言于2012-01-19 03:54:08(第23条)
龙年春节快乐!祝龙年好年好财好运好前途! 请点击:


Xilin Chinese Academy说:留言于2012-01-19 02:20:44(第22条)
Dear Parents and Students,
This year's Chinese New Year is on January 23. Xilin Chinese weekend school will be close next week to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Please compare your class schedule with the following dates. We will see you the next week.

Xilin Chinese Weekend School is closed on the Chinese New Year week. There are no classes on the following dates:

January 21 Saturday
January 22 Sunday
January 23 Monday
January 25 Wednesday
January 26 Thursday
January 27 Friday

Happy Chinese New Year of Dragon!

Xilin Chinese Academy

Suphawan说:留言于2012-01-19 02:14:54(第21条)
Thank you very much
Betty Tian说:留言于2012-01-19 01:32:27(第20条)
Have a good winter vacation and Chinese new year!

Betty & Chi
zhong liu说:留言于2012-01-19 01:28:59(第19条)

lsulili说:留言于2012-01-19 01:27:20(第18条)
Hi, thank you and 祝全家龙年大吉. Li
sli说:留言于2012-01-19 01:25:55(第17条)
Thank you very much for your kindness.
CY LAI说:留言于2012-01-18 11:41:04(第16条)
So glad to hear from you again! 你好吗? I just settled into my Taipei Condo and enjoying nice weather, 15--20C in this week, plus boiled peanuts(煮花生), Lien-Wu(莲雾), 台湾小吃……& the recent Elections. Look forward to catching up with you when you come through Shanghai or when I go to LA!

Happy Spring Festival to you all and your Family!
Best regards,

Chinese American Chamber of Commerce(CACC)----Helping International SMEs & Professionals Invest/Grow in China/USA/Canada/Taiwan
Shiann-Jang Chern, PhD, PE说:留言于2012-01-18 04:09:40(第15条)
Dear Mr. Zhenying Jiang: Thank you for the update.
Happy Chinese New Year!

Shiann-Jang Chern, PhD, PE
Superfund Remedial Project Manager
USEPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street, SFD-8-1
San Francisco, CA 94105
Zhaowei Liu说:留言于2012-01-18 04:06:46(第14条)
我和太太很喜欢您们的 专家网信息!期望在新的龙年来临之际,我们能够南北加州各方合作,互惠互利!能有朋友若来旧金山地区 买卖房地产,投资移民,买卖二手旧车,请与我联系为盼!
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2012-01-18 03:55:45(第13条)
圣地亚哥:社区活动一系列 龙腾虎跃过新年
谁言子綦 应声而起 -- 本地新鲜事即时报道
百商萃集 供求互济 -- 社区好信息一网打尽
Nankai Boston说:留言于2012-01-18 03:54:05(第12条)
You are invited to view Nankai Boston's photo album: Jan14, 2012 NKAA Ski by Nankai Boston Alumni

View Album https://picasaweb.google.com/112400711255354041232/Jan142012NKAASki?authkey=Gv1sRgCI_ZjJfc8qjCBg&feat=email#

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Zhu, Yujie说:留言于2012-01-18 03:29:03(第11条)
Happy new year! So nice to receive your UPDATE again!
I hope every thing goes fine with you and your team.
Best regards,

Yujie Zhu
Graziadio School of Business and Management.Pepperdine University

Joe Chao说:留言于2012-01-18 03:20:59(第10条)
You are invited to view joe chao's photo album: Santa Barbara 一日遊
Santa Barbara 一日遊
好消息華人宣聖會 804 S Fullerton Road Rowland Heights.CA 91748 -
Jan 14, 2012
by joe chao
View Album
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南开大学校友工作办公室说:留言于2012-01-18 02:21:15(第9条)
身体健康 阖家幸福 事业进步 万事如意 !

Sophie C Wong说:留言于2012-01-18 02:11:08(第8条)
Important Information in case you lost your cellphone!!

4 Things you might not have known about your Cell Phone

Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it:

FIRST (Emergency)
The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.

SECOND (Hidden Battery Power)
Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell phone next time.

THIRD (How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? )
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your phone:
*#06# .
A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

If your phone is stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.

And Finally.... FOURTH (Free Directory Service for Cells)
Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial:
(800) FREE411 or (800) 373-3411
without incurring any charge at all. Program this into your cell phone now. This is sponsored by McDonalds.

This is the kind of information people don't mind receiving, so pass it on to your family and friends.

Dr. Sophie C. Wong, President/CEO
Chinese For Christ, Inc.
Michael Zhang说:留言于2012-01-18 02:07:24(第7条)
北美視頻 海外華語視頻第一門戶: http://video.sina.com/v/video.php?class=12&channel=77
lijun说:留言于2012-01-17 01:22:01(第6条)
kejiao.org说:留言于2012-01-15 05:06:59(第5条)
学术论文征稿通知 Call For Paper
EI征稿通知 : Springer、Elsevier、TTP等国际知名出版社,确保6月见刊6月检索!EI全文检索。 全国唯一可以当月拿刊当月检索的EI核心期刊。错过是你的损失。
2012 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (CCEE 2012)
2012 International Conference on Environmental, Geological and Materials (CEGM 2012)

2012 International Conference on Construction, Civil engineering and Transportation (CCCT 2012)
2012 International Conference on Education, Economics, Management and Social development (EEMS 2012)
特别注意: 我中心可操作EI论文包写包发包翻译包检索。可代为开票,可出具录用通知书和EI检索报告,全国独此一家。

International Conference on Information Science and Engineering Technology 会议中文意思:信息科学与工程技术国际会议
出版社:英国 World Academic Union出版社。

北大核心期刊+CSSCI核心期刊 journal 学术杂志
★《学术**》杂志,主管单位:**省社会科学界联合会,主办单位:**省社会科学界联合会,国际标准刊号:ISSN1006-*23X;国内统一刊号:CN**-1148/C;国内代号:6*-57。 该刊是北大中文核心期刊,南大CSSCI核心期刊。栏目有:哲学研究、马克思主义中国化研究、国际问题研究、政治学研究、经济学研究、法学研究、民族人类学研究、历史研究、教育研究、文化研究、社科综论,是立足于特色社科类研究、反映全国学术成果的综合性学术理论刊物。QQ: 2210010 zazhishe@163.com
刊物很多,仅举几例:科学财富 科教卷宗 科技生活 硅谷时代 祝您健康 科教世界
具体请联系QQ811273340 投稿信箱:lunwen@foxmail.com QQ:762544633
《教育世界》杂志,安徽省省级教育专业期刊,CN正刊,纯G4教育刊物,国内刊号: CN 34-1266/G4,国际刊号:ISSN 1009-8453,邮发代号:26-198 ,文章全文上网检索。指导单位:中国教育学会安徽分会;理事单位:安徽省教育学会;是经国家新闻出版出版总署批准的教育类权威期刊。本期刊是面向各级教育行政主管部门、教育科研院所、各类大中专院校、中小学校及其从事教育教学工作的教育工作者和专业教师的综合性教育教学类学术理论期刊。本刊也是全国优秀教育期刊,中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊,中文科技数据原文收录期刊,万方数字化期刊群入网期刊。
投稿 QQ:2210010 zazhishe@163.com http://7kan.com.cn
http://fabiao.cn QQ 2210010 T021-50596602
http://zazhishe.com QQ 8153973 T13341940977
http://kejiao.org QQ 811273340 T010-64462681
mylee说:留言于2012-01-14 04:24:10(第4条)
Keyue Smedley说:留言于2012-01-14 04:21:48(第3条)
Thank you. Best regards,
Keyue Ma Smedley, Ph.D.
ZZUEF说:留言于2012-01-14 03:56:44(第2条)
Thanks for information!
By the way, ZZUEF (USA) has been registered to receive and administrator funds for educational and scientific activities. Please contact me further for a conversation if you and anyone have interests in using ZZUEF with Fed tax ID for fundraise in order to conduct the activities both of us interest including scholarship, lecture, conference and training, ZZUEF may pay you service fee based on the fundraise you make. Also, please contact me if you or anyone like to become a board member.

Fayi Yao
Zhengzhou University Education Foundation (ZZUEF), USA
(734) 309 6099
大洛杉磯馬英九、吳敦義後援總會说:留言于2012-01-14 03:48:54(第1条)
大洛杉磯馬英九、吳敦義後援總會將於今(13)日晚10時開始,於巴沙迪那市福星川菜餐廳舉辦「選情之夜」,,地址2960 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107。晚上10時開始觀賞台灣電視開票盛況,後援總會呼籲會員和民眾邀請好友踴躍參加,現場備有宵夜。 詳情請聯絡葉能逸常委:310-3299258、310-9389267或626-8409329。
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